Friday 21 August 2015

ZIMBABWE: Grace Mugabe’s Dairy Company Alpha Omega Offering Ice-cream And Chocolate.

The company is already producing milk products, yogurt and other dairy products.

The new range of ice- creams and chocolates is proving very popular in Zimbabwe as it is cheaper than its competitors.

Zimbabwe’s Agriculture minister, Joseph Made, stated that after only 3 years the Alpha Omega Dairy Company had already cornered 30 percent of the local market, Eyewitness News reported.

It is reported that 72 percent of the population in Zimbabwe live below the poverty line.

The World Food Programme notes that food and nutrition security in Zimbabwe is still very fragile. It also notes that rural poverty has increased from 63 percent in 2003 to 76 percent in 2014. WFP also states that many Zimbabweans struggle to meet their daily food needs.

But this hasn’t deterred the Zimbabwe First Lady who is notorious for her lavish tendencies and controversial utterances.

Grace Mugabe reportedly insinuated that the reason Robert Mugabe was still in office was because God wanted him to be.

"Just ask yourself why God continues giving a 91-year-old strength to lead the country. Where have you ever seen a 91-year-old who can stand for 2 hours?," New quoted.

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