Saturday 4 July 2015

China: Tourists Damage Exposed Breast

Statue in Hanyang District of Wuhan in China has been ruined by tourists touching an exposed breast.This iconic statue has been tarnished by tourist who have been constantly touching an exposed breast of one of the female figures.

AN iconic statue depicting a piece of fabled Chinese history has been tarnished by tourists, who over the years have been constantly touching an exposed breast of one of the famed female figures, causing it to lose its colour.

The statue in Hanyang District of Wuhan, provincial capital of central China’s Hubei Province, tells the story of how an ancient Chinese ruler, Yu the Great, met his wife with the help of a legendary fox.

In the decade that the statue has been there, visitors have been touching the hand of Yu the Great, the fox’s back, and also the exposed breast of Yu the Great’s wife.

All three places have now become discoloured, exposing the bright bronze layer beneath.

Although citizens have accused tourists of lacking discipline and dignity, it does not seem like their curious habits will change anytime soon.

Yu the Great was a legendary leader who is thought to have lived between 2200–2100 BCE. He is credited with introducing flood control, also founded China’s Xia Dynasty, the first of its kind.

Legend has it that Yu the Great met his wife with the help of a mythical nine-tailed fox, which led the couple together.

Locals are shocked at the damage to the famous statue.

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