Wednesday 1 July 2015

Costa Rica: Rafiki Safari Hotel

A Rainforest resort with a resemblance and a touch of Africa

Rafiki is a wilderness luxury tent camp and conservation project focusing on adventurous sustainable tourism. The lodge is nestled on 842 acres of pristine jungle along the Savegre River, 30 km south of Quepos and Manuel Antonio in Costa Rica.
Guests can enjoy a wide variety of activities such as whitewater rafting, horseback riding, hiking to waterfalls, and world-class birding. Even if you are not an adventurous traveler or into eco tourism, you will still enjoy our truly unique accommodations and natural beauty.
Our luxury Safari tents are set atop hardwood decks, each with rocking chairs, so you can sit back and admire the view in privacy. Imported from South africa, the tent's design lets you experience nature up close while keeping the insects at bay. Each unit features its own modern, complete bathroom. Whether you are on your honeymoon, want to bring a group of friends and family, or business associates, Rafiki provides the perfect atmosphere. While our property is a nature retreat... it is hardly roughing it!
Let the Boshoff family treat you to a South African "braai" (barbeque) or enjoy other fabulous cuisine prepared by our resident chef. Our food, hospitality, and accommodations are unparalleled. Rafiki's pristine location and our "little touch of Africa" will ensure that you have an unforgettable experience.

We strive to have one of the most unique rafting experiences in the area. Our company is composed of a team of guides that are locally born and internationally trained. We will give you and your family a personalized experience of a life time. Whether you want to enjoy watching the shore birds on the side of the river, or join the "Saverge Swim Team", we have a journey just for you.

The Savegre River is born over 10,00 feet above Rafiki only 25 miles away. The river plummets down through some of the remote parts of Costa Rica as it travels through a series of National Parks and protected areas before it joins forces with the Rio Division. The 2 rivers form the Lower Savegre River.
We start our day trip 5 kilometers downstream of the confluence of the 2 rivers. The 13 kilometer stretch that we float is composed of class II and class III rapids. There are over 15 named rapids in the trip. Although the rapids are short, they will get you pretty wet, and a few of them can bite if you are not careful!
Our company is the only outfitter based on the river, this gives us the advantage of being able to provide hot lunches on the side of the river at a private lunch spot. We also offer restrooms 1/2 way down the river. Since the Savegre is in our front yard, we are able get on the river while the other outfitters are still on the bumpy road, and get off of the river long after they have left the valley.
Our guides are all certified in Swift water rescue, first aide, and CPR. Luckily those are skills we don't need to use very often. The skills we are really polished up on are identifiying birds, teaching you about the forest, and knowing to correctly choose the lines of the river to keep your family safe.
We offer trips in conventional 6 man rafts as well as our line of mini me-s and mini max-s. Big boats are great for the rainy season, and provide a stable and safe craft for the little guys and the feint of heart. Our sporty boats are smaller and hold up to 4 people. These guys are designed for low water and high adventure. Being smaller, mini mes get into waves the big boats simply plow over. They can spin around rocks, surf waves, and squeeze through tight lines in between the boulders. Mini me-s are the only boats we take on the upper sections of the river. If you want to learn more about running more technical sections of the Savegre, please email us, and we can let you know about some of our "Bushmaster Expeditions".

Horses have been a large part of the culture of the Saverge Valley. Many people still ride as a main form of transportation today. Being on a horse allows you to get a better sense of environment around you and gives you a chance to explore places that are not feasible with any other vehicle.
Our rides can take you into the heart of our tropical forest, through rural villages or up the valley to access steeper parts of the Savegre Valley. Whether you have ridden in the past or trying it out for the first time, Rafiki has a horseback safari for you.

Rafiki uses horses contracted from a local family. The Duarte family has been working with us since the beginning (2002). Memo has always provided us with well mannered horses willing to take you for ride. Rafiki sends a bilingual guide and a wrangler with every trip, insuring that you and the horses safely make it through the journey.

Explore the rainforest, jump off a waterfall, cross a huge suspension bridge, learn about Costa Rica culture, and enjoy amazing vistas, all in one day! The Aqua Hike
The Aqua hike was created to share the jewel of Quebrada Arroyo with Rafiki guests. The stream ecosystem of Quebrada Arroyo is fed by underground srpings and cascades into the Savegre Valley through a series of gorgeous waterfalls. The people of the small village of Quebrada Arroyo have realized the beauty of this place and converted their focus from agriculture to ecotourism. Their project is called Los campesinos. As a cooperative, they have constructed an infrastucture to host guests amist one of the largest waterfalls of the stream and have created a trail system to fully enjoy their little paradise. The aquahike allows Rafiki to intergrate into their project and explore some fantastic natural history that the area offers.

The Aqua hike starts at the Savegre River. You wll cross the river on a suspension bridge and hike up 2 kilometers up a small road. As you gain altitude, the vistas of the big mountains of the Savegre and the Pacific ocean begin to unfold. Once on top, you make our way through the village of Quebrada Arroyo before reaching the entrance of Los Campesinos. You will explore a spice farm, walk on their trails searching for squirrel monkeys and other animals that might be in the area. You will then walk across a 340 ft long suspsension bridge over a 120 foot waterfall. You will be rewarded with a delicious fire cooked meal. After lunch, you will make your way down to bottom of the big waterfall, and start hiking down the stream. Quebrada Arroyo is home to some extremely rare poison dart frogs. Two species are found here that have rarely been seen in our region. Searching for them is fun, and once we find one, you will have a chance to get some great pictures! You will continue downstream, jumping off of waterfalls, watching Basicilus lizards run on water, and chatting about the flora and fauna along the way. You will leave the stream system and make your way back to the Savegre valley through some great forest. The trip finishes with a boat ferry and a short juant back to Rafiki.

The aqua hike is not demanding, but it will take you about 6 hours. The guides have a ton of knowledge of the area and will teach you all about the natural history of a lowland tropical forest. Don't forget to bring your camera, this trip will fill your memory card!

Our kayak trip explores the remote wilderness of the Savegre River and its mangrove forest. Amazing shore birds, monkey encounters and breath taking scenery make this trip a once in a life time experience. The river and tides do most of the work, so you can relax as you glide along in one of our swift sea kayaks.

The trip takes you from the flat water section of the Savegre River 3 kilometers down to where the river meets the Pacific Ocean. You then continue through the mangrove forest that connect the Savegre and the Portalon River. Finally, afer entering into the estuary of the Portalon River, you gently make your way up river to our take out in the Refuge Area of Portalon. Your journey ends at the Rafiki Beach Camp, where a beachfront pool and barbeque await. We encourage guests to do this trip on their way of Rafiki. Staying the night at the beach camp after the trip completes a marvelous journey! To learn more about the Beach camp.Paddle down the river and through the mangroves in a kayak...

Carlo Boshoff has loved fishing since he could hold a fishing pole. His passion started on the Indian Ocean and the inland lakes of South Africa. His hobby stayed with him growing up in the hills of South Dakota, there he learned about fly fishing. Once hooked, he naturally made his way to the mountains of Montana to refine his skills. In 1999, with the lodge here in Costa Rica being just a few drawings on a piece of paper, Carlo once again started exploring a new enivironment to fish in. From the small streams next to the lodge, to the huge Pacific Ocean with countless gems waiting for the right bait. Although he learned quite a bit in those first years at the lodge, he had a life change in 2005 and returned to Montana leaving many secrets still undiscovered. After spending 6 years as a guide on the Bighorn River, Carlo became a master not only of fly fishing, but also the art of guiding other people into getting fish. In 2012 Carlo and his wife were ready to return to Costa Rica to take over management of Rafiki Safari Lodge. Carlo came back with the same passion for fishing as always, but now he has all sorts of great fishing adventures and all sorts of different fish to catch!
Carlo can take you fishing along the banks of the Savegre on foot or with an oar frame raft. He also has an amazing tour that takes you down the last 3 kilometers of the Saverge, through the mangroves and up the estuary of the Portalon river in a drift boat.

Amatuers are welcome to try their luck, Carlo does teach fly fishing, and if you prefer, he always has a few cast rods available.

Through diligence and motivation, Yerlin Tapia embarked on the mission to become a Massage Therapist. She was born and raised in the village of Santo Domingo. Upon graduation of high school, she approached Rafiki with her idea of massage. Delighted by her spirit, Rafiki sponsored her education in exchange for a little help cleaning rooms during the high season. Today Yerlin has been with us for 3 years doing massages. Our guests love her hands and we love her attitude! She is available for both relaxing and therapuedic massages and organic facials. Try Yerlin's favorite "chocolate massage"!

Relax with a great massage while listening to the sounds of the forest around you!

Paul Okia
Happy Tours Africa

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