Monday 23 November 2015

BELGIUM: Brussels Remains On Highest Alert As Police Seek Paris Attack Suspects

Speaking yesterday, Michel said the decision to raise the threat alert was taken...

French police meanwhile released a photo of the third of three men who blew themselves up outside France's national stadium during the rampage, which also targeted the Bataclan concert hall as well as a string of bars and restaurants.

"That way he can give us the answers we seek, our family and the families of the victims", he said.

Since the terror attacks in Paris just over a week ago, worldwide authorities have been seeking Salah Abdeslam in connection with the carnage.

Seven assailants died in the Paris attacks, including Abdeslam's brother, Brahim, who detonated his suicide belt outside of a cafe.

Belgium has been at the heart of investigations into the Paris attacks on November 13 that left 130 people dead after links with Brussels emerged.

IS atrocities like the Paris attacks are partly aimed at provoking the West, as the group hopes that stepped-up military action in the region will reinforce its narrative of a clash of civilizations and thus drive more Muslims into its ranks.

At a news conference on Sunday, Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel spoke about the possible attacks being planned for Brussels.

For the rest of the country, a threat level of three on a four-tier scale would remain in place, Mr Michel said.

"The threat is broader than the one suspected terrorist", he told Flemish broadcaster VRT.

It wasn't immediately clear if a police raid or a major operation was underway.

Belgian and French police have carried out dozens of raids in Brussels, Paris, and elsewhere in search of suspects in the deadly siege, the worst violence on French soil since World War II.

Brussels residents are waking up to largely empty streets as the city enters its second day under the highest threat level and the manhunt continues for a suspect missing since the November 13 attacks in France. Following the attacks, he is believed to have crossed back into Belgium, where he lives.

Salah Abdeslam may be equipped with a suicide belt, according to Hamza Attou, one of two suspects charged by the Belgian authorities with allegedly helping him to return to the country after the attacks. Another official from a smaller city outside of Brussels told the media that there had been confirmation of two terrorists on the ground in Brussels, and that information had led to the heightened security measures.

President Francois Hollande is meeting in Paris with British Prime Minister David Cameron on Monday, then going to Washington and Moscow later in the week to push for a stronger worldwide coalition against IS.

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