Monday 23 November 2015

USA: Terrorism Attacks In Paris Have No Links To USA

Appearing before reporters Thursday alongside Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Comey said he was aware that the Islamic State and its supporters regularly issue propaganda in videos and magazines boasting about their plans and capabilities.

Comey rejected considering IS propaganda as credible information, referring to videos prepared by the jihadist group threatening to attack various terrorist targets on US soil.

Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey said Thursday that there is no evidence of "a credible threat" by the Islamic State to stage a Paris-style attack in the United States.

Major Western cities are on high alert after IS militants claimed responsibility for the wave of gun and bomb attacks in Paris that killed at least 129 people.

Comey says the FBI is investigating, but says the video involved "troubled souls" enabled by ISIS messages online.

Separately, Lynch said the Justice Department opposes congressional legislation that would put up barriers to Syrian refugees seeking to enter the United States.

The violent extremists released a series of videos earlier this week warning of attacks on America's financial and political capitals - NY and Washington.

The United States has charged more than 70 individuals for conduct related to foreign fighter interests and homegrown violent extremism since 2013, and continues to take robust actions to monitor and to thwart potential extremist activity, she noted. "Tell us what you saw and then go on living your lives that is channeling fear into something healthy, which is awareness of your surroundings, and not something disabling". "That is what the terrorists want", he said. "Of course, we investigate all of those propaganda threats", he said.

"This bill that has been posed by Mr. McCaul - and I like Mr. McCaul - is a bad bill because it seeks to micromanage the process in a way that is counter productive to national security to our humanitarian obligation and the overall ability to focus on Homeland Security", Johnson said.

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