Sunday 13 December 2015

ISRAEL: EL AL Israel Airlines Scheduled Flights To Paris Will Continue As Planned

EL AL Israel Airlines express its condolences at the tragic terrorist events that took place in Paris.

EL AL informs its passengers that the scheduled flights to Paris will continue as planned with the first flight from Tel Aviv to Paris departing on Saturday night (November 14th) and flights will continue as scheduled on Sunday with 4 flights.

EL AL will fly back to Israel passengers who currently are holding EL AL tickets and will assist those not holding an EL AL ticket - a special fare of $350USD including tax is available. EL AL will not charge any change fees for its passengers on flights to Paris for those passengers wishing to change their flights scheduled until 11.29 (November 29th). In addition, those who currently have tickets on flights to Paris are able cancel their flights and utilze their tickets within a year.

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