Friday 6 May 2016

DOMINICA: No Change Of Island's Name, Tourism Minister

Tourism Minister Robert Tonge
A suggestion that Dominica should change its name in order to boost the tourism industry has been dismissed by Tourism Minister Robert Tonge.

The tourism inister’s comment follows a statement made Wednesday by Director of Tourism Colin Piper, who mentioned that name recognition issues with Spanish-speaking Dominican Republic could be one of the many challenges facing Dominica’s tourism product.

But Tonge believes the answer lies in marketing the island.

“In order for any guest or visitor to come to Dominica we have to ensure the country is known … We must advise the potential visitor about our natural beauty…”

Tonge is not convinced that changing the name of the island is the solution to boosting the tourism industry.
“Many say that we should change the name of Dominica but after thinking quite a bit, I think I have come to a different realisation. If an individual knows of Dominica then they will not mistake us for the Dominican Republic, so obviously we have a lot more to do with regards to marketing our country properly,” he said.

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