Monday 9 May 2016

JAPAN: Chinese Tourists, Uncivilized Bastards

Chinese tourists in Japan climb cherry trees for pictures, get ridiculed on Japanese news.

Chinese tourists have once again found their way onto Japanese news, yet again it isn't for something like saving puppies or helping old ladies.

Instead, visitors were photographed climbing Japan's iconic cherry trees, grabbing branches and just generally causing mayhem as broken blossoms rained down from above, all in the blind pursuit of snapping some pretty pictures.

In their report, the Japanese news anchors mocked the Chinese tourists behavior as "Chinese-style flower viewing" and also recommended that a special zone be set up just for Chinese tourists.

Chinese netizens online also joined in the chorus to mock and shame their countrymen:
"Our fellow compatriots are still really amazing, before they would just lose face inside the country, now they know to go abroad," one netizen joked.

"They look a lot like public officials from Shanghai or Jiangsu," another wrote in.

"I don't know how you can look. I look and I feel ashamed, disgusted by this group of uncivilized bastards," another netizen lamented.

Last month, tourists managed to stir up some controversy back at home by being a bit overzealous while taking pictures with Nanjing's famous cherry trees.

In fact, cherry trees are just one more thing that has been known to add a bit more tension to Chinese-Japanese relations in recent years. Last year, a Chinese group declared that the iconic trees actually grew in China first, not Japan, and certainly not Korea.

Meanwhile, it was only in February that Chinese tourists last found themselves making headlines in Japan, following a vicious catfight at the Tokyo airport over a trolley collision.

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