Friday 6 May 2016

ZANZIBAR: Saifa Shop Zanzibar

"Hand Made in Zanzibar"
The name SAIFA comes from the union of the two names: Said and Fatma.

Said and Fatma established SAIFA brand in 1992 in Zanzibar.

SAIFA, at that time, produced hand-screen printed t-shirts for hotels and developments projects (Jozani Forest, Ngezi Forest in Pemba, Ministry of Environment: protection of corals, mangroves and sea turtles).

Around 1993 Said and Fatma employed a new craftsman: one tailor, a member of Said’s enlarged family, myself Omar Mrisho. We started working together, I was sewing while Said and Fatma were printing. We produced our own models and sold it to various shops (such as: “House of Spices” in Stone Town, shops in north east coast like Venta Club in Kiwengwa).

In 1993 we opened SAIFA shop in Kajificheni Street, close to the back door of Hamamni Bath, in Stone Town. I was the shop keeper, the tailor and helping in printing. At the end of the year we moved SAIFA shop in African House Hotel, being the first ones opening a shop there. I was sewing different models of hand bags - utilizing Kanga, Vitenge and Batik - different types of hats, wallets, pouches, hair ties, pot holders and much more.

We worked together till 1998. During this year Fatma pulled out from SAIFA and opened her own activity, a computer shop named “Umoja”. I continued working with Said till the end of 1999, when also Said pulled out from SAIFA but was still performing as a free-lance printer.

I kept the shop and the name SAIFA.

In 2000/2001 Said and Fatma moved to Hawaii, Fatma’s hometown.

In 2003 SAIFA shop had to move from Africa House after the hotel new management increased the price of the rent from 100 to 300 dollars per month.

SAIFA moved to Nungwi, in Zanzibar north coast, for few months.

SAIFA shop was then close but SAIFA workshop continued his production.

In February 2007 I opened a new SAIFA shop in Kelele Square, close to Serena Inn Hotel in Stone Town. I am still producing and selling handicrafts made of Kanga, Vitenge and Batik made in Tanzania and hand screen printing t-shirts, but also supporting other community based groups selling their products.

Omar Mrisho
Art Director

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