Tuesday 7 July 2015

Gambia: International Roots Festival 2016

The International Roots Festival, Banjul The Gambia, West Africa. For over 400 years people have been separated by the results of the African Holocaust (African Atlantic Slave Trade) and the legacy of colonisation has kept us at odds with our true history, our identity, our cultural traditions and prevented unity and growth amongst our People and our Continent.

The International Roots Festival is designed to encourage peoples of African Descent who reside within the Diaspora to further discover, re-affirm and re-embrace their ancestral identity through confronting a physical past.

You may recall the Late Great American Historian by the name of Alex Haley who discovered his "Roots" in The Gambian Village of Juffereh; he wrote a book based upon his findings which later became a TV Series known to millions as "ROOTS". Also featured in the series was James Island, an Island in the River Gambia which bears the last remains of a Slave Fort where Africans were held captive before they were forcibly put into Slave Ships to embark on a journey to hell.

We invite you to become associated with this biennial event which is growing in steady numbers and reaching out to people residing within member States of the EU, The Caribbean Islands, The united states of America, Canada and Latin America who wish to fulfil an ambition of returning to their "roots" and to experience the life and cultures of their people with whom they have been separated for hundreds of years.

In The Gambia ancient traditions are still undiluted and in abundance to enrich those destined to obtain a deeper cultural and spiritual identity. The Gambia provides one the opportunity to redress and to come to terms with ones true antecedence.

The Gambias Head of State, President Yahya Jammeh acknowledges the global contributions made by Africans towards the worlds social, cultural and economic development during the last century. Despite the enslavement of its people the plundering of its natural resources and a highly organised conspiracy to keep Africa economically dependent, the people of Africa have come far, winning the struggle for Independence and Emancipation, Liberating the Continent and establishing strong footholds throughout the Western World.

The Roots Festival brings together positive thinking Africans who share the same common objectives, origins and heritage, who collectively focus on all positive key aspects that may contribute to the social, cultural and economic growth of theContinent as we move towards the next century. Previous Roots Festivals that have taken place in The Gambia have resulted in higher levels of communication and co-operation amongst Gambians and Africans throughout the Diaspora.

The forthcoming Festival will further strengthen and solidify unity amongst Africans on the Continent and within the Diaspora, additionally promoting Cultural Homecomings/Tourism and Financial Investment into the Gambias future in particular and Africa in general.


For previous Diaspora Africans who have attended and participated on previous festivals and tours, their experiences have been overwhelming and many return to the UK or the US with a new lease of life, a vibrant positive outlook, a spirit to succeed and an iron-willed conviction to return to The Gambia with friends and relatives as soon as possible.

INTERNATIONAL ROOTS FESTIVAL The Ministry of Tourism & Culture invites all people of African descent and all persons committed to the well being of Africans and the development of Africa, to come home to The Gambia and participate in The 12th International Roots Festival which is both a historical, cultural and educational event. For over 400 years our people have been separated by the results of the African Holocaust (Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade) and the legacy of colonisation has kept us at odds with our true history, identity, cultural traditions while preventing unity and growth amongst African People and the African Continent.

Roots festival commemorates the enforced enslavement and transportation of millions of Africans to the Americas and the Caribbean Islands. Africans and friends of Africa from the Diaspora are presented with a unique opportunity to attend and participate in The International Roots Festival. Come home and experience the African Continent. Confront a physical past and glimpse the horizon of a brighter future. Come home, rediscover and reaffirm your African heritage, be at one with your people and your ancestral family. Visit places of Historical, Cultural and Educational interest such as Juffureh (The Late Alex Haleys Ancestral home), Fort James Island, Georgetown (now Janjanbureh). Establish cultural ties. Attend International Musical Concerts, Cultural Jamborees, Visit a traditional African Batik Factory, Craft Markets, experience traditional African cuisine, Hairstyles, Fashions and Jewellery; Witness Traditional events.

Introduction: To The Roots Secretariat. The Roots Secretariat was founded and established to facilitate, integrate and to culturally enrich Gambian nationals and Pan African people who travel from the Diaspora, to The Gambia exclusively, to reaffirm and reconnect with their Roots respectively. The Roots Secretariat caters for Africans in the Diaspora and friends of Africa, delivering information and useful insights on the festival in particular, and the Gambia at large. "The Roots" programmes are designed to further enlighten people culturally. The historical significance The Gambia bears, and the rich ethnical cultures which prevail in The Gambia will be introduced to "pilgrims" as they integrate with various tribal groups in villages throughout several regions of The Gambia. Embracing Gambian culture, customs and values, history and traditions strengthens and reaffirms ones African Cultural Heritage. The Roots Secretariats National coordinating Committee shall design a selection of historical and Cultural awareness events, programmes, merchandise and literature, which are rewardingly educational and entertaining for both Pan Africans and Gambians.

Roots Experiences, The International Roots Festival, Roots Concerts, Root Merchandise and other Pan African Edutainment programmes are to be implemented by the secretariat throughout the year. The President of The Gambia-Alh. Dr Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh under the auspices of the department of State for Tourism and Culture is inviting all African descendants living in the Diaspora to come Home to The Gambia and attend The International Roots Festival.

The Roots Homecoming Festival commemorates the enforced enslavement and transportation of millions of Africans to the Americas, The Caribbean Islands and Britain. Let your resolution be;


Come Home and experience the African Continent. Confront the physical past and glimpse the horizon of a brighter future. Come Home and rediscover your roots, re-affirm your African Heritage and at one with your people. Visit places of Historical, Cultural and Educational interest such as Juffureh (Alex Haleys Ancestral home) and Fort James Island. Participate in Roots Redemption day.

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