Tuesday 14 July 2015

Montserrat: Amazing Island and Amusing Destination

Montserrat is an amazing Island and just the right and amusing destination to make your holidays magical and worth mentioning. Montserrat has a versatile composition of captivating attractions. It has lots of enthralling museums, mysterious volcanoes, beautiful beaches, remarkable casinos among many other scenic attractions that have been in the front line in bringing domestic and foreign income from the countless tourists who tour the beautiful Island. Montserrat too embraces a tranquil sensational atmosphere that is so clean from boring pollution dirt. As a class, we had planned a one week visit to the captivating Island to discover its notable wonders and were surely satisfied beyond our expectation. We had a great moment enjoying and feeling the many beauties that were freely displayed to us. This amazing experience got me wanting to extol and adore the wonderful magnificent beauties of Montserrat Island to all and sundry who would love to experience the same moving touch.

We commenced our fruitful adventure at the beautiful and magical Soufriere Hills Volcano. The site was surely mysterious. This is an active volcano that is known to have erupted in the many recent years including the year 2010 causing awful destructions In Plymouth. We thus walked very carefully along the attractive Belham valley completely vigilant and vibrant as none of us knew of the next expected eruption. The valley offered much to look at and thus marvel at. River Belham was so surprising with its lonely banks completely covered in huge bulks of white ashes. We could hardly believe that an eruption could be so merciless so as to ruin such a life like a river. We then walked to the Plymouth grounds. Our eyes almost popped out of their sockets as we watched the great Catholic church of Plymouth almost completely covered in ashes. None of us could believe it being a church. The government beautifully designed buildings were too in a mess. We could surely not tell where their entrances were. More shocking were the numerous houses that were totally damaged and mantled in white ashes. We could only wish that nobody got caught in that terrible upsurge. The place was sure worth of taking photos. However saddening it looked, we had a great moment witnessing the dangers that can overturn a whole beauty. We would surely visit it a second time.

We then moved further to adventure more of the Islands’ wonders at the alluring Green Monkey Dive Shop. The place was full of beauties. We organized our diving session with the friendly Troy guide though we first took much time touring on a well maintained boat along the stunning Little Bay. We got a delightful chance to observe the numerous paths that were followed by the destructive lava from the Soufriere Hill Volcano to Plymouth. This experience was remarkable. We also appreciated the tranquil sensation put up by the charming bay waters. We then got into the most enchanting moment diving into the waters with Troy to the Redonda Island. It was incredibly a magical moment. We mesmerized learning lots of amusing details about diving and snorkeling. The island was lovely though isolated as we hardly met any individual. We took several photos of the picturesque site before diving further to the fantastic Rendezvous beach. Our trip was certainly going great.

t the beautiful ashen Rendezvous beach we had passionate fun swimming in the shallow blue waters and got occasionally covered in the gorgeous waves that were growing nicely minute after minute. Having taken bountiful time stretching out on the striking beach, we ascended to the beautiful rocky cliffs that surrounded the beach. They were pristine beautiful with a coherent view of the surrounding. We had a pleasurable moment observing large flocks of enthralling seabirds flying high in the sky making their noisy chats. We were very grand that we had discovered such beauty. We spent a profuse money spinning time on the rocks admiring as many good looks as we could. It was indeed a notable experience which would remain engulfed in our memories.

The dazzling Jack Boy Hill was another site we had a pretty memorable experience. The hill was beautifully covered with lots of attractive green vegetation. It looked more of a paradise. Sweet breathtaking fragrance from the numerous plants infused into our lungs leaving us completely overwhelmed with joy. We took an easy ascend up the splendid hill to its pinnacle and still completely immersed in a wonderful atmosphere. At the peak, we had fun observing the dreadful volcano and more so the completely cast off airport that got damaged in the volcano’s eruption. The site was so scenic. It offered a good place to relax and admire the many pretties that were beneath and on the hill. I particularly loved the precious flora and so I took several photos of them. The hill was worth our visit.

Next on our tour visit was the magnetic Oriole walkway. We started our ascent at the base of an inviting hill full of greenly coverings that were amusing to look at. The compelling plants were so delightful giving loads of life to our friends who had shown signs of fatigue. We followed a well found path up the hill each time gaining more fun from the numerous bright butterflies we met and within a jiffy we found ourselves on the beautiful hill neighboring Montserrat Bank. The site was scenic in a unique and charming way. We had already captured the Oriole walkway where we begun our hike accompanied by an awesome guide, Scriber. We could hardly turn our eyes away as unbelievable beauties were exhibited from all parts of the path. Good looking forests were a must to view and learnt more about them from friendly Scriber. The feeling was so good. We walked far into the path admiring the many beauties until we got an enigmatic spring where we swept away all our thirst and more so relaxed taking in bountiful fresh air. The walkway was well made and was well run. It was truly a breathtaking experience and we highly thanked the kind hearted Scriber.

We then ventured into the Montserrat volcano observatory. The observatory was so persuasive. We were really lucky to have arrived at the moment a video show of the destruction caused by volcano was starting. The movie was good enough to reveal all the wonders that were experienced. We could see numerous jumbo jets surveying the treacherous destruction. We then moved to the volcano’s top where we caught lucid and panoramic views of the volcano. It was surely full of wonders. We also took several photos of ourselves before the volcano to keep its good memories. We vowed to visit the mountain again on our next visit to Montserrat Island.

We finally graced our excellent tour by visiting the stirring Cot Trail. The trail too is located on gorgeous hills. Ascending the hills was not very easy as they were too steep. We were however grateful that we were a large group and so caught each other by hand for a more simplified and enticing climb. The hill was beautiful with lots of vegetation on both sides. The beautiful trail offered good and lovely views of the vast island. The atmosphere too was alluring. We experienced the best moments of our lives. We were also happy that none of the sites we toured turned us down. They were all worth a second visit. Montserrat is truly a world full of magic. It turned our trip the best of all visits we had ever imagined. We would definitely visit it a second and third time.

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