Tuesday 7 July 2015

Zimbabwe: Lodges Secretly Record And Sell Sextapes Of Unsuspecting Couples

A former employee of a named Bulawayo lodge has revealed shocking information about several lodges in and around Bulawayo installing hidden video recording cameras to capture unknowing clients making love in the rooms.

Speaking to a reporter in confidentiality, the former employee of a lodging located in the CBD of Bulawayo said the exercise which is predominantly done in Harare is slowly finding its way to most Bulawayo lodges and low class hotels.

According to the source, the lodge owners are working with Nigerian men who pay a huge amount for the video recordings.

"The idea is being engineered by Nigerian business people who install the equipment in the rooms and capture unsuspecting clients in the act," said the man.

The source further explained that in some cases the owners of the lodges are not aware of the existence of the cameras as the Nigerians work with unscrupulous managers and staff at the lodges. It is claimed that the Nigerians pay up to as much as US$1000 for a week’s recording.

Most of the low class city lodges are offering rest rooms for $5 per hour during the day and about $15 for a night and these are the ones targeted by the Nigerians as most clients using the lodges will be in the company of sex workers. The man also claims that some sex workers are part of the arrangement and deliberately engage in what he described as "classic moves" in the act for the best pictures.

The source warned that people should be worry of lodges that always keep their lights on or use light curtains as this is done to enhance lighting in the room for the hidden cameras.

"Most cases the rooms involved always have the light on and the switch deliberately made out of

order," he said.

In order to avoid the filming, the man advised clients using lodges to check the room for hidden cameras by closing the curtains in the room and switching off the light then switching on their cell phone camera without the flush, move it around the room, if a little red light is spotted on the phone then a camera is hidden in the room.

The source also advised clients to refuse to use rooms with malfunctioning light switches or with exceptionally enhanced lighting. He also warned men who are serviced by ladies who will insist on changing positions and moves in the room as they will be deliberately positioning for the best picture in front of the cameras.

The man directed this reporter to the lodge in question and insisted on asking for room 7 where he was confident the cameras were set up but a suspicious lady at the lodge reception refused to offer the room to the reporter. Questioned why, the receptionist insisted that the lodge was fully booked and the room in question "out of order " before asking the security officer on duty to order the reporter out of the lodge as she wanted to reconcile her cash from previous night bookings.

A couple of ladies of the night interviewed at the corner of Samuel Parirenyatwa Street and 14th Avenue confirmed existence of cameras at city lodges and some of them being party to the recordings. The ladies claim to be charging $10 for each successful recording session paid on the spot by lodge operators.


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