Saturday 11 July 2015

Ecuador: Discover Ecuador


Discover the tourism of the country of Ecuador

Ecuador is a country of spectacular variety and beautiful scenery. From beaches to volcanoes, you can expect to find almost any kind of environment here. This means Ecuador's tourism opportunities are some of the best in the world. It also means that there are a lot of activities to enjoy in this country. Best of all, Ecuador offers the opportunity to enjoy the ruins left behind by the Amerindian cultures that populated this county many years ago. It also gives easy access to one of the greatest rainforests in the world – the Amazon! Besides the Amazon, the Galapagos Islands have much to offer the intrepid adventurer. You will never run out of things to discover when you visit Ecuador!

Popular tourism opportunities in Ecuador include a variety of activities such as horse riding, kayaking, sea-kayaking, swimming, surfing, skiing, jet skiing, para-gliding, sky diving, white water rafting, trekking, hiking, volleyball, scuba diving, snorkeling, mountain climbing and mountain biking. Some of the activities are somewhat extreme while others are gentle and relaxing, so you can choose what will best suit you. Some places offer a variety of activities while others offer virtually none at all, so it is always best to ensure that whatever sort of activity you wish to pursue is available at your chosen destination. The Ecuadorian tourism board is quite well established with regards to warning tourists about the risks involved in such activities and ensuring that these things take place in the safest conditions possible. This means visitors should heed these warnings for their own safety.

The Galapagos Islands are, in themselves, a massive tourist attraction. Scuba diving spots and nature walks are available throughout the islands so remember to bring your cameras! If you enjoy the Galapagos Islands, why not head for the Machalilla National Park? The park is quite large and even includes the Isla de la Plata. Plant life and animal life are preserved here in all shapes and forms.

Another reason why Ecuador's tourism is booming is because of the strong prevalence of Incan ruins in the area. The Ingapirca Inca Ruins are quite large and impressive to see. Also notable are the Inca ruins of Rumicucho, La Tolita and Tomebamba. The Incas were not the only culture to leave their mark here. There are various ruins relating to the ancient Valdivia culture that dot the outskirts of Guayaquil.

Also popular amongst tourists is the Otavalo market in Otavalo. The abundance of well-made hand-crafted goods can make it quite challenging to choose what to buy, but you can be sure that you are getting top quality regardless of what you choose.

Sheer relaxation can be found at Baños from where visitors can also gain access to the towering Andean mountains. Or you can enjoy excitement at the sea side at Salinas. Perhaps exploring the Amazon basin is more your taste? There are plenty of Jungle tours available. Really, Ecuador has so much to do and see that you should never get bored. No wonder Ecuador's Tourism sites see so much activity!

tourism, volcanoes, beaches, amazon, amerindian, culture, galapagos

The first thing to realize about Ecuadorian culture is that it is not one single culture. Instead it is a whole range of cultures mingled together, representing every level of this very stratified community.

Ecuador's official language is Spanish, but Quichua - an Incan language - is spoken by the Indian population. Besides Spanish, ten native languages are spoken in Ecuador. English is the most spoken foreign language amongst tourism service providers and professionals.

The Afro-Ecuadorians that are present in Ecuador today are famous for their marimba music and many music and dance festivals. Long before the Spanish conquered Ecuador and even before the rise of Incan civilization, the diverse native cultures of the region had rich musical traditions. Music played an important role in the ancient Andean people’s lives and archaeologists have found some very old instruments, such as, drums, flutes, trumpets and other musical artifacts, in ancient tombs.

The Ecuadorians have a distinctive type of dress code. The men and especially the woman in each region of Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands can be easily identified by their dress as it is displays specific cultural diversities that are characteristic of that particular region. A major aspect of Indian identity is present in Ecuador. People that are familiar with the native dress can often tell roughly where an Indian is from, based on what they wear.

Ecuador has some very tasty and very strange combinations in their cuisine. You can expect to find some lemon marinated shrimps, toasted corn on the cob and a huge variety of pastries filled with all types of different stuffing.

As with all other places in the world, Christmas is celebrated in Ecuador. If you want the best and most original Christmas celebration, you should go to Cuenca on the 24th of December where the Pase Del Nino is held.

culture, cuisine, art, education, folklore, history, language

The Marvelous Sights of Ecuador
Ecuador is a land of mystery, culture and history. Much of the country is wild and rugged and it hides ancient ruins that captivate the imagination and take you on a trip into the past. While the bigger cities are very much focused on the present and the future, one cannot escape the past in the smaller cities and towns. The effect that history has had on these interesting people and their culture is unavoidable and this makes exploring some of the historical sights of Ecuador and monuments essential. Doing so will give you a greater understanding and appreciation for the people of Ecuador. It will also provide a fascinating trip into the past where you will discover things you never knew about this fabulous country.

There are a wide variety of interesting historical monuments, buildings and sights in Ecuador that are well worth visiting. Some of them are religious – others take you back to the rituals of the Indian peoples that once lived in harmony with the jungle that surrounded them. Still others are reminders of a grand colonial time when European influence was strong and the people of Ecuador lived as a colony instead of a country. The La Merced Church was originally built in the 1500s and, though much of it has since been rebuilt, you will find both new and old elements in this ancient religious edifice. The Palacio de Gobierno was also rebuilt but today its striking architectural elements are a tribute to the men who collaborated on the design. The El Sagrario Chapel is still very much original and dates back to the 1500s. This Roman Catholic stalwart has been molding the minds of the surrounding community for centuries and many of the people in Cuenca still cling to Roman Catholic traditions.

The Ingapirca Archaeological Site and the La Tolita Archaeological Site provide interesting insight into the lives of the early inhabitants of Ecuador. The Ingapirca Archaeological Site focuses on the Ingapirca Ruins, which are interesting because the Incas that built them used mortar and carved stone to build them. Other great attractions include the Santa Elena Archaeological Site, the Old Cathedral in Cuenca, the Mitad del Mundo and the Moorish Clock Tower in Guayaquil. Make sure you see as many of these great attractions as you possibly can and get the most out of your trip to Ecuador.

sights, attractions, culture, history, inapirca, mitad del mundo, palacio

Museums in Ecuador - Treasure Troves of Fascinating Information

Museums throughout the world provide people with insight into the history of people, places, events and objects. From art museums and history museums to transport museums and toy museums - there are major attractions wherever you go. Ecuador is certainly no exception in this regard. Scattered around Ecuador are a number of fascinating museums. Museums in Ecuador play a vital role in educating both locals and foreign visitors. At the many Ecuadorian museums you will rediscover many centuries of fascinating culture and customs, as well as more recent political and scientific developments. Certainly, if you are looking for something interesting and informative to do whilst visiting Ecuador - or even if you simply want to immerse yourself in the past - head off to a few of the museums in Ecuador's cities.

One such fine Ecuadorian museum is the Museum and Library Aurelio Espinosa Pólit. This remarkable establishment was established by Aurelio Espinosa Pólit, a humanitarian, and serves primarily as an investigation center. It also boasts a rich archive of publications, art and other items.

A visit to the Ecuadorian Museum of Natural Science will reveal a number of paleontology exhibits of various creatures. Also worth visiting is the Military Museum “House of Treaties”. Here you can explore several major military events in Ecuador. Venture into the history of the Shuar Indians at the Shuar Anthropologic Museum. If you are a doctor or are simply interested in medical advances, pay a visit to Ecuador's History of Medicine National Museum. Literature and folklore enthusiasts will thoroughly enjoy strolling through the Azuay Folklore Institute. Those touring Guayaquil can find out more about this fascinating region at the Municipal Museum of Guayaquil. The Indio Guaranda Cultural Museum is an intriguing ethnological, archaeological and historical museum in Guaranda.

These are just a few of the many marvelous museums in Ecuador. Others to look out for include the San Diego Monastery Museum, Astronomic Observatory Museum located in Alameda Park, El Mongote Real Alto Archaeological Site Museum, Lovers of Sumpa Museum, Banco Central Museum, Aborigines Cultures Museum, Quinta Juan León Mera Museum, Carlos Mercado Archaeological Museum and the Agua Blanca Museum. To find out more about Ecuador's museums select specific museums on the navigation located on this page. Enjoy exploring the museums of Ecuador with!

museums, culture, history, museo, aboriginal, attractions

Soak Up the Sun on an Ecuador beach
Ecuador's western coast is bordered by the South Pacific Ocean and its coastline is made up of many fine beaches of all shapes and sizes. There are also a few islands just off the coast which can be explored. Below is a brief description of some of the many beaches along Ecuador's coast:

Salinas is perhaps the most well known of all of Ecuador's beaches. Essentially a beach resort town, Salinas is the place where many locals flock during the high-season for a bit of fun in the sun. Here you can see whales, surf, sea-kayak, skydive, hang-glide, jetski, ski, and yacht. There are also a few thermal baths not too far away that are most enjoyable.

Puerto López is a great place to spend a few days. Here you will be able to enjoy sunny beaches and the rhythmic sway of salsa-clubs at night during high-season. The Parque Nacional Machalilla and the Isla de la Plata are accessible from Puerto López and make for fascinating day trips and some amazing sight seeing. Puerto López is definitely one of the must-see beaches of Ecuador.

Montañita is also a highly recommended beach. This beach-based town is constantly in motion and you will find no shortage of things to do and see. You can relax, surf, go wall-climbing, paragliding and much more. Montañita is the perfect place to indulge yourself.

Atacames is a great party spot in Ecuador. Though the beaches of Atacames themselves are quite beautiful, the real attraction for most visitors to this beach is the perpetual party atmosphere.

Hostería and Pueblo Ecológico Alandaluz is a fascinating place to visit if you have the money. Built as an eco-friendly beachfront resort, it offers plenty of interesting ecotours and nature-related activities.

Salango is a good beach to visit if you intend to see the underwater world of Ecuador. Here you can go snorkeling, scuba diving and also enjoy an interesting, historical look into the ancient cultures that used to live in the area.

Mompiche is quite a popular spot amongst backpackers and surfers. It has big waves, black sand and lots of inexpensive lodging.

Bahía de Caráquez is an upscale town with a lot to see. While the beaches are beautiful, you might spend less time at the sea and more time seeing sights such as the last dry tropical forest in Ecuador.

Súa is a small beach with budget accommodation facilities. Its main attractions are short hikes, coves and good views.

beaches, ecuador, salinas, puerto lopez, montanita, scuba diving

Discover Ecuador's Spectacular Art Museums and Art Galleries
Every country has historic and cultural treasures and Ecuador certainly isn’t the exception to the rule. The country has had a long and interesting history that extends far further into the past than what most people realize. The indigenous people of Ecuador lived off the land happily for many hundreds of years before the spreading Inca kingdom reached the area and Incan warriors conquered the locals. It wasn’t long before the area known today as Ecuador became a major part of the Incan Empire – only to be divided by royal heirs to the throne - something which significantly weakened the kingdom enough to enable the Spanish conquistadors who arrived in the 1531 to walk in and claim victory. Thus, you have pre-Incan history, Incan history and European colonization. All these things have strongly influenced the people of Ecuador and various aspects of the country’s culture can be better understood by visiting the various art museums found around the country.

Of course, the struggles brought about by human conflict have always been well reflected by great artists who try to grapple for an understanding of the problems they see around them. Over the years artists in Ecuador have been depicting the problems of colonialism, religion and many other things. Modern artists may reflect on past happenings or merely draw from that which they see around them. Whatever the case, art truly does provide a window through which to gain a greater understanding and appreciation for the people of a nation.

When you visit the country, you might want to consider visiting the many art galleries and museums in Ecuador. The Colonial Art Museum, the Museum of Modern Art and the Las Conceptas Museum are all great treasures where you can enjoy the combination of art and history. The Gallery of Antiques Josue is also a great find while the Pacific Bank Museum offers something a bit different. For a different look at religion, the Nuestra Señora del Cisne Religious Art Museum is a must. Why not visit as many different art museums and art galleries in Ecuador as you can? You may discover that they have more to offer than you bargained for.
art galleries, ecuador, culture, museums, inca, art

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