Tuesday 7 July 2015

Eva Air Is World's Cleanest Airline


Sometimes, walking into the coach section of an airplane doesn't feel far from walking into the den of a frat house -- food wrappers, cups, and magazines you don't wanna touch litter every nook. Really, the aircraft's upkeep just comes down to which airline you fly. So which one's the cleanest?

Well, according to the latest results of the World Airline Awards, EVA Air ranks as the cleanliest airline in the world. In case you've never heard of EVA, it isn't the private jet of the former "Desperate Housewives" star. No, it's the second-largest airline in Taiwan. Singapore Airlines came in third place, to little surprise, while ANA All Nippon Airways landed in third. If you're noticing a pattern... well, stay tuned until two paragraphs from now.

Skytrax, the organization behind the World Airline Awards, polled 8 million passengers across 245 airlines to determine its rankings. And more specifically, for its cleanliness award, it asked passengers to assess how clean seat areas, tables, carpets, cabin panels, and bathrooms were during their flights. Probably a safe bet all the US airlines were way down that list.

In a surprising twist, the top 10 entirely comprises Asian airlines. But as Fortune points out, it's no coincidence: the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) virus scares in Asia have led to increased diligence for airlines in potential hotspots. People getting sick is just bad for business -- even if there are barf bags in every seat.

Check out the top 10 below:

10. Hong Kong Airlines
9. Korean Air
8. Hainan Airlines
7. Japan Airlines
6. Garuda Indonesia
5. Asiana Airlines
4. Cathay Pacific
3. ANA All Nippon Airways
2. Singapore Airlines
​1. EVA Air

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