Sunday 21 February 2016

Scientific Tourism Aims To Approach A New Tourist Profile

Scientific Tourism is a type of tourism orientated to the promotion of a touristic and scientific culture that permit to know, share and value the origin, customs and knowledge of a territory in a creative way.

Scientific Tourism aims to approach a new tourist profile more specific and interested in any scientific area to the territory. In this sense, it is a segment of special interest tourism where products are coordinated with the development of scientific knowledge generating research support opportunities, as well as knowledge transfer to non-specialised public.

Our objective is to create an innovate model based on the idea of an alternative, quality and decentralized tourism, promoting a sustainable use of natural resources and making at the same time scientific divulgation, showing the presence of science in our environment.

We use natural environment as a resource to make scientific divulgation. The foundation of this type of tourism lies in the articulation between the societies that are part of a territory, the educational sector and the productive networks, in the pursuit of conservation and development activities for tourism that cater for social, economic, environmental and cultural needs of each region.

Observer emerges as a hallmark from FAZ, within a “way of doing” always seeking for innovate, didactic, enjoyable and original methods of scientific divulgation, but with the rigorous and accuracy required by any scientific manifestation.

Scientific tourism activities often tend to be very specialized for the scientific area in which they want to work. Consequently, rigour is an essential requirement in the development process in order to create quality touristic products.

Consequently, Observer hallmark certificates with excellence criteria all those developments around Scientific Tourism.

Hallmark of quality that catalogues territories or business and organisms related to Scientific Tourism, as spaces committed with scientific knowledge and its divulgation, based on a specific natural or cultural associated heritage.

Likewise, this hallmark recognises all those agents that participate in the development process of this type of tourism, such as accommodation or business with convenient prepared staff, thereby guaranteeing quality and rigour in scientific divulgation by developing this kind of services.

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