Sunday 24 January 2016

SAMOA: Samoa Hotel Association Offers Hope

The Samoa Hotel Association (S.H.A) together with chartered accounting firm, Betham & Company, have teamed up with local banks to offer hope to registered vendors affected by the recent Flea Market fire in Apia.

Branded at ‘Samoa Offering Hope’ (S.O.H), the group has met to sort out a legal working structure for the initiative with the blessing of the Prime Minister, Tuilaepa Sa’ilele Malielegaoi.

All monies will be distributed to the victims of the fire while the facilitation costs will be absorbed by the Samoa Tourism Authority (S.T.A).

Relevant bank accounts are in the process of being established and the public will be notified within the coming week.

The effort will run for a period of one month at the end of which the funds will be distributed.

A final report with full disclosure will be published in the local newspapers.

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