Sunday 21 February 2016

Himalayan Crystal Salt A Natural Marvel

All the way from the highest mountain range of the world —The Great Himalaya — the purest product from the lap of the nature has made its inroad to a number of homes in the Sultanate. The Himalayan crystal salt is acclaimed for its pure quality.

A gift by nature, this pale pink coloured crystal salt found on the high altitude is a lifestyle on its own. “It provides energy, vitality and helps in relieving an improved mind and body,” says Zuweina Ali al Kindi, brand partner, The Phoenix.

Pure, natural and pristine, the Himalayan crystal salt dates back to 250 million years.

This salt was created from the primal ocean and was reserved unpolluted for all these millions of years, which gives it a holistic characteristic. Spreading over the stretches of Khewra, Punjab (in Pakistan) and Jhelum district, the story of its discovery dates back to the time of Alexander the Great’s campaign to India. Rising from the Indo-Gangetic Plain, the mines in Punjab region of Pakistan is rich in Himalayan salt commonly called the rock salt or halite.

As the legend goes, the ailing horses of the army were found healed faster than it was ever thought after they licked on the crystal salt boulders. “It is a miracle crystal.”

“Containing about 84 minerals and other elements which are compatible to our bodies penetrating the body cell easily, the crystal salt rejuvenates not only body but mind as well,” says Zuweina.

Distinctive for it pale pink colour the Himalayan salt has high quantities of phosphorous, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, bromine, zirconium and iodine which makes it the best for all edible purposes. “I visited the stall of this Himalayan Crystal Salt and found out that the salt which is crystal in form has lot many health benefits both in form of home decor, like a lamp-shade and in edible salt form,” said Zeinab, who was spotted buying a fancy lampshade from the stall at Muscat Festival for her bedroom.

As more and more locals and expats beeline for products that are beneficial in their way of life, the entry of the Himalayan Salt Crystal has added up to their lifestyle as most people prefer buying the crystal lamps which not only looks ethereal but even holds lot more health benefits once lit in the room. “It produces negative ions which are the good ions.

Electrical devices produce positive ions and it effects our health and change the vibration of our bodies. Himalayan crystal salt lamps balances the energy level and purify the air,” says Zuweina.

People are now getting more and more aware about the benefits nature can provide them, going organic is the key thing. The use of rock salt in diet plan is nothing new. But the salt crystal lamps and other products of these miraculous natural healing agent is what making its entry in our lives slowly.

“Though the campaign is not much hyped yet the awareness has made people curious about knowing the benefits of the products made out of this natural salt crystal. It is very effective in various ways and the result too can be fast provided only that it is used in the right way and proportion” says Zuweina.

A best alternative for table salt and in a holistic form it is most beneficial for the body.

As it is not an alternative to medicine, it has no side effects and can be taken by all and sundry for a better living, be it in the form of edible rock salt or a piece of home decor as in crystal lampshade.

A way of life the Himalayan crystal salt comes in all form to make living much better and beautiful:

Himalayan Crystal Salt
This is a high quality natural ingredient, purest edible salt contains all vital elements the body requires to rekindle.

Foot detox lamp
Certain disorders like insomnia, asthma, fatigue, low energy level or lack of concentration can be well taken care of by the Foot Detox Lamp which comes in dome shape which not only cleans the air but also helps the body to get rid from toxins and pollutants.

Himalayan bath salt soap
An ancient remedy to heal mind and body is well achieved by soaking salt soap in bathtub for 20 minutes adding aroma oil.

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