Monday 13 July 2015

Australia: Education Tourism Increases

Minister for Education Peter Chandler said the Territory has seen a 22 per cent increase in the number of international students since the implementation of the Northern Territory International Education and Training Strategy 2014 – 2024.

Students, from wherever they come, generally want the same thing – a high quality education that will help them get a job and kick start their career.

“No one can overlook international education’s value in all its forms, to the Territory economy and the development of our vital international relationships,” Mr Chandler said

Currently there are 1900 international students studying in the Territory from countries including the Philippines, China and India.

“This strategy is a two way exchange; we both welcome international students and support Territory students engaging with neighbouring regions,” Mr Chandler said.

“International students help capitalise our classrooms and more than ever before the Territory’s future prosperity is tied to that of our global neighbours.

In 2014 alone international students contributed $51 million to the Northern Territory economy and created over 450 jobs.

“We know for example, that students and their visiting friends and family make an important contribution to the Territory’s tourism industry as well as supporting local businesses in the hospitality and retail sectors,” he said.

“The benefits of international education extend well beyond immediate economic benefits. International students contribute to a vibrant and culturally diverse Northern Territory.

“Educating students from around the world fosters inter-cultural understanding in the Territory and creates the people-to-people links that underpin our study, trade, investment and community engagement with the world.”

The strategy supports the development and growth of high quality education and training services and facilities for both Territorians and international students and builds on the Government’s overall Asian engagement strategy.

Mr Chandler said through education we seek to strengthen existing and develop new partnerships and understandings with the region, such that the Territory is truly seen as Australia’s gateway to Asia, and Asia’s gateway to Australia.

“I am proud that the Territory Government is investing time and resources into the Northern Territory International education and Training Strategy 2014 – 2024 and look forward to seeing future results,” he said.

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