Saturday 16 January 2016

KENYA: Minimal Charges Good For Tourism

Tourism is one of the country's top foreign exchange earners. The sector earned Kenya Sh93.9 billion in 2013 from some 1.09 million visitors. It is for this reason that the Government, through the Ministry of Tourism, its embassies abroad and Brand Kenya, go out of their way to encourage more tourists to visit the country.

Among the reasons given for the dismal number of visitors to the country are the visa fees levied and exorbitant entry charges at game parks. But while visa fees affect only foreigners, high entry fees to national parks has remained a hindrance to the nascent domestic tourism. This is despite the fact that domestic tourism could easily be exploited to bring in the much-needed extra revenue.

It is encouraging that in addition to other efforts to market Kenya abroad and boost tourism, President Uhuru Kenyatta has directed that entry fees to national parks be reduced from $90 to $60. Additionally, he directed that visa fees for children under the age of 16 years be reviewed downwards to encourage parents to bring along their children on visits to our beautiful country.

It is in the best interest of the country for the relevant authorities to actualise this directive immediately and also embark on popularising domestic tourism. Lastly, but not least, the perception that tourism is a preserve of foreigners should be discouraged because an expanding middle class is finding the means to sample Magical Kenya.

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