Saturday 16 January 2016

UAE: Abu dhabi Airport Official Accused Passenger’s Valuables

An Abu Dhabi airport employee has gone on trial accused of stealing a passenger’s wallet and taking gold valuables worth Dhs4,500.

Abu Dhabi Criminal Court heard that the Emirati official, who works in the customer service department and was in charge of ensuring passengers and their carry-on bags had been checked, stole the necklace, a pair of earrings and a ring from a Bangladeshi traveller.

The alleged victim told the court he was returning to his home country for a holiday in November when he left his wallet on the inspection desk after his bags passed through the scanner.

“After I had passed through the passport control section, I noticed that I didn’t have my wallet with me and had left it on a security desk,” he testified in court.

“My larger-style wallet contained some small documents, a golden necklace, a pair of earrings and a ring all worth Dhs4,500.”

The man said he tried getting back to pick up his belongings but was refused by security authorities as he had already passed through the passport control counter.

“The jewellery belonged to my friend who had asked me to deliver it to his wife in Bangladesh,” he said.

The Bangladeshi, who was described as working for a private firm in the capital, said when he returned from his holiday in November officials advised him to file a complaint with police.

Prosecutors said CCTV cameras showed the defendant pick the wallet up off the desk and take it into a nearby room. And when he emerged he did not have the wallet with him, the footage showed.

The employee denied taking the man’s wallet when he appeared in court. He told Chief Justice Idris bin Mansouri that he had no knowledge of any theft.

He said on the day in question, he had found a lost passport and wallet and returned them to a traveller, though he said he could not tell if it was the same man testifying in court.

The trial was adjourned until January 25.

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