Saturday 20 February 2016

CHILE: Chile Is One Of The 10 Countries With The Highest Tourism Growth In The World

The British newspaper, The Telegraph, drew up a ranking of the 17 countries in the world to have registered the highest growth in tourism during 2015 and Chile came in at number nine, out-performing countries including Cuba and Columbia, registering 4.4 million visitors and a growth of 22% on the previous year.

According to the publication, the destination is full of great attractions, including the Atacama Desert, the Patagonia and the beautifully multi-colored city of Valparaíso.

According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), international tourist arrivals grew by 4% worldwide, and a record number of 1.200 million people moving from one place to another all over the planet, an increase that has been maintained for the past six years.

The figures continue to unfold positively for Chile. During the first two weeks of January, an increase of 26,9% was registered when compared to the international arrivals recorded in the same period last year. It’s a marked difference that allows for positive industry projections this year.

China and Argentina promise to be the countries from which the great majority of tourists arrive to our country. Since the visa waiver motion that occured in the middle of 2015, we’ve seen an increase of 30% in oriental tourists. Similarly, the number of Transandean tourists has risen considerably and promises to continue in the same vain, particularly since the recent shift in the value of the dollar.

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