Wednesday 20 April 2016

Global Medical Tourism Goes Up Postively

The on-line medical tourism sector is growing on a global scale With 1.2 million to 1.4 million Americans annually seeking health-care services abroad, the medical sector experienced an average increase of 23% per year in the last decade. Top medical tourism destinations for people living in the US include: Mexico, Colombia, Barbados, Hungary, India, Thailand

The on-line medical tourism sector is growing on a global scale With 1.2 million to 1.4 million Americans annually seeking health-care services abroad, the medical sector experienced an average increase of 23% per year in the last decade. Top medical tourism destinations for people living in the US include: Mexico, Colombia, Barbados, Hungary, India, Thailand.

The on-line medical tourism sector is growing on a global scale

With 1.2 million to 1.4 million Americans annually seeking health-care services abroad, the medical sector experienced an average increase of 23% per year in the last decade.

Top medical tourism destinations for people living in the US include: Mexico, Colombia, Barbados, Hungary, India, Thailand and South Korea.

Other intensively promoted medical hot-spots are the Bangkok-based Medical Departures and the Cuban medical tourism, with Travelucion covering marketing and communications.

Among globally preferred destinations is Dubai, with a strong network of 26 hospitals, over 1.000 clinics and more than 638.000 medical tourists in 2015 only.

“Every year the number goes up by 12-15%. The medical packages provide for medical insurance to cover any complication or medical liability,” declared Dr Laila Al Marzouqi, head of the Dubai Health Authority’s medical tourism.

Another significant funding in the system accounts for a $3.5 million investment from China-based CL Global Healthcare into Medigo, a global booking service. Malaysia also plans “to further develop health care resources, particularly specialists and ancillary health care workers and technical health care skills”, with care hubs in Penang, Malacca and Johor Bahur being top on the government’s economic development plan.

Thailand is the main player in Asia, with more than 50% of the medical market in the area. Medical tourism here has generated $3 billion in 2015 and keeps growing with an average of 15% rate for every year.

According to a report released by Accel Partners, health-care travelling industry is worth $55 billion, as 6 to 10 million people annually chose to travel abroad to find the best medical services.

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