Sunday, 19 July 2015

KENYA: Dumpsite Killing Fish In Makupa Creek

FISH and sea animals are dying at Makupa and Tudor creeks, fishermen have said.

They said the Kibarani dumpsite is poisoning the fish.

Kibarani is the biggest dumpsite in Mombasa.

Fishermen said a lot of fish have died in two months.

They said sewage from the dumpsite gets into the ocean and kills the fish.

The water has also turned brown, making it difficult for the remaining fish to breed.

“Nowadays you visit the ocean to fish only to find the fish floating on water,” fisherman Ali Omar said.

He said he used to get Sh15,000 a month before the water got contaminated but now he struggles to raise Sh3,000 a month from the sale of fish.

Beach Management Unit secretary Mwavita Hamisi said many fishermen have moved to Port Ritz, Likoni and Kwale county.

Only four fishermen are left in Makupa, he said.

“We want the county government to help us control the dumpsite because we depend on the ocean for our daily needs,” Hamisi said.

Water and Environment executive Fatma Awale was unavailable for comment for three consecutive days.
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