Monday 13 July 2015

USA: Utah lost $33 Million In Tourism Due To Shutdown

The latest US federal government shutdown cost Utah’s tourism industry $30 million as it idled the state’s popular national parks earlier this month, the governor’s chief economist said.

Apart from that loss, Juliette Tennert said, the direct impact on the state’s economy was relatively small during the 16-day congressional stalemate. The Governor’s Office of Management and Budget was working through the statistics as it prepared a proposed budget for next year, she said.

Meantime, Rep. Chris Stewart, R-Utah, this week introduced a bill he’s calling the Provide Access and Retain Continuity Act that would allow states to manage national parks and other federal programmes in the event of a shutdown or lapse in funding.

“It doesn’t matter what happens in Washington, D.C. We’re going to be open,” the first-term congressman said.

Stewart said the tourism, mining, timber and transportation industries lost millions of dollars each day of the government shutdown.

“That’s absolutely crushing to communities that rely on these industries. The PARC Act would ensure that an agreement is in place to allow states to quickly continue funding and operating federal facilities and programmes that are vital to their economies, if they so choose,” he said.

“The fact that the parks were opened ahead of the shutdown ending helped to turn that faucet back on,” Tennert said.

Utah spent $166,700 a day to reopen eight national parks, monuments and recreation areas for an estimated $3 million a day in economic benefit, Gov. Gary Herbert said.
But the 10-day closure still took a toll on the parks and related businesses that employ about 129,000 Utahns and bring in an estimated $1 billion a year to the state and local communities. National park visits in October account for 10 percent of the total annual visits.

He said Stewart’s national parks “insurance” bill would be invaluable, “so we could go to our clients and say, ‘Hey, in 2014, it doesn’t matter what happens. The national parks are going to be open.’”

Tennert said she was most concerned about the effects of a prolonged shutdown.
“The longer the shutdown continued, the more potential for impact on Utah’s economy,” she said.

There likely would be less economic growth in the fourth quarter than there would have been absent the shutdown, Tennert said. Nationally, economists are forecasting less than 3 percent growth for the last three months of the year.

“It’s the uncertainty that’s really dragging consumer confidence and business investment,” she said.

Though Utah is well positioned in terms of economic strength, Tennert said, it is not immune to what happens nationally.

“We do anticipate growth, but that growth will be below potential,” she said.

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