Thursday 21 January 2016

CUBA: Cuba’s Tourism For 2015 Had A Stunning Growth

Cuba is reporting outstanding growth in the number of visitors in 2015 with over 3.5 million tourists visiting the Spanish speaking Caribbean island.

According to a report from University of Havana School of Tourism professor Jose Luis Perello, in 2014, Cuba passed the 3 million-visitor barrier for the first time in its history.

With 521,000 more tourists in 2015, this represents a 17.3 per cent increase compared to the previous period.

Canada is main source of visitors to Cuba with 1.3 million Canadians travelling south, but the fastest growing market is the United States, with 161,000 for a 76.6 per cent growth, following the easing of restrictions by the Obama administration.

The US is the third largest market, trailing Canada and Germany.

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