Tuesday 19 April 2016

TURKEY:Credible Terrorist Threats' To Tourists

Witnesses said they heard a huge blast rang out across bustling Taksim Square after a bomb squad discovered a bomb in a bag.

Police cordoned off the popular tourist destination and appeared to rifle through a bag and later detonated it in a controlled explosion.

Istanbul and the southwest coastal resort of Antalya in particular have been highlighted as high-risk zones.

Holidaymakers have been told to exercise extreme caution when visiting the country.

This year Turkey has already been hit by four suicide bombings – two of which have been blamed on ISIS.

The most recent attack came last month in Istanbul when four people lost their lives.

A total of 28 people died and 61 more were wounded in a terrorist explosion in Ankara in February.

"The US Mission in Turkey would like to inform citizens that there are credible threats to tourist areas, in particular to public squares and docks in Istanbul and Antalya," the US Embassy said the statement.

Turkey is facing multiple security threats because of its operatins in Syria and Iraq where it is fighting ISIS.

It is also battling Kurdish militants in its southeast, where a ceasefire collapsed last July, triggering the worst violence since the 1990s.

Security experts constantly fear Turkey’s actions in Syria will spark WW3 as more rival superpowers wade into the conflict on opposing sides.

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