Monday, 9 May 2016

ETHIOPIA: Ethiopian B788 At Addis Airport Collapses

An Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 787-800, registration ET-ASH performing flight ET-702 from Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) to Rome Fiumicino (Italy), had completed boarding and was about to depart when the aircraft settled on its nose after the nose gear collapsed. One flight attendant received minor injuries, the aircraft received substantial damage.

A ground observer reported that the aircraft bound for Rome Fiumicino had completed boarding and was about to depart the gate, when the nose gear collapsed.

On Mar 8th 2016 there had been a number of gear warnings on the ground on previous flights, a gear warning occurred again and a mechanics was called to check. The mechanics attempted to recycle the gear lever as had also been done on previous occasions, however, no gear pins had been installed this time.

Inquiries with the airline remained unanswered so far.

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