Thursday 12 May 2016

Windsor-Essex Tourism Growing

Visits from the United States by air, land and sea are up 14 per cent in the first two months of 2016, compared to the same time last year.

As well, hotel occupancy grew by 3.6 per cent in Windsor in 2015, compared to 2014, while the booking rates went up nine per cent, which means hotels took in more money, according to a presentation to council Monday night by Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island.

Unique visits to the group’s website are up 31 per cent.

“It’s heading in the right direction,” TWEPI CEO Gordon Orr said after his presentation. “It’s a great indicator that the U.S. dollar is gaining some traction. And it’s good to see more people crossing the border.”

Orr said the recent FINA diving meet and CARHA hockey tournament gave the area a great boost. He expects another uptick later in the year thanks to other events, such as the FINA short-track swimming championships.

“Our projection for this year is that we will do better than last year,” Orr said. “It looks promising.”

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