Sunday 13 March 2016

MADAGASCAR: Chinese Cemetery Of Manakara

Some curiosities of Madagascar stay well hidden and are only found by accident. One of them is located in the region of Vatovavy-Fitovinany in southeastern Madagascar. In a small fishermen’s village called Ampasimandrorona, few kilometers away from the center, there is an old, little cemetery directly at the shore of the Indian Ocean.

Between poor shacks and tropical residues of an ancient rainforest, it seems a little bizarre and misplaced, particularly since there is not even one single Madagascan buried at this cemetery. Instead it is Chinese and Senegalese people that are laid to rest here.

Probably these were workers, who came to Madagascar as coolies at the beginning of the 20th century. The French Joseph Gallieni looked for people to build the Canal des Pangalanes, and Chinese workers were known to be very tough and hardworking during these times. Both skills were very welcomed in the eight years taking construction project.

After all, at least the little cemetery today offers a great view to the sea – although its inhabitants probably cannot enjoy it anymore.

But still today, you will recognize the Chinese influence of former times in Madagascar: Many descendants of the Chinese people from then today live as retailer or tradesperson in small businesses all over Madagascar.

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