The majority of tourists arrived to Peru for vacation, recreation or leisure.
“We want tourism to reach at the least 6% of the GDP in the next 10 years,” said Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Magali Silva, according to Gestion.
This high expectation hasn’t come out of thin air; Peru’s tourist demand continues to rise as demonstrated by the INEI’s latest report.
The National Institute of Statistics and Information (INEI) reported that in 2014, the country registered more than 3.8 million tourists. This was due largely in part to tourists coming first from South America, North America, Europe, Asia, Oceania and finally Africa.
Tourism growth over the next 10 years
It is estimated that 3.16 million tourists visited Peru in 2013, giving strength to the notion that Peru’s tourism industry could continue at a rate to bring it to represent a great portion of the GDP in the coming years.
The INEI said that 61.7% visited Peru for vacation, recreation or leisure; 15% for business; 12.1% for visiting family; 4.5% for health; 2.7% to attend a conference or congress; and the remaining 4% for other reasons.
The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur) had initially reported an estimated figure at more than 3.2 million for the year 2014. The INEI however has an adjusted and increased number at more than 3.8 million tourists.
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