Wednesday 4 November 2015

Jim Cummins Receives State Tourism Award

Dirty Kanza 200 director Jim Cummins thought he was attending the Kansas State Tourism in conference in Wichita Thursday evening to give a presentation on the gravel-grinder event to state tourism directors.

Instead of giving a presentation he was surprised and awarded with the 2015 Governor’s Tourism Award in recognition for the impact Dirty Kanza 200 has made to tourism in Kansas.

“The award is quite humbling,” Cummins said “I feel fortunate to be recognized but this award is for the entire organization and community. I wouldn’t be here without Tim and Kristi Mohn, LeLan Dains and the entire Emporia community. The community is the one who makes the riders feel special since they are treated like rock stars.”

The Kansas Tourism Conference took place in the Old Town Hotel with more than 200 people in attendance. The state tourism conference was supposed to be held in Emporia at the Breckenridge Hotel but the event had to be moved since the Breckenridge Hotel was not completed yet.

Kristi Mohn, who was in attendance, said: “It’s a huge honor for Jim and Dirty Kanza. Jim has given up a lot to come back and do this. It’s nice he’s recognized for all his hard work.”

Emporia Convention and Tourism director Susan Rathke said, “This such a feather in our cap. The DK promotions group is really just beginning to grow and we are here to support them.”

Cummins didn’t dwell too long on the award, though. Early this morning he was heading out to lead a group ride and then off to Lawrence to meet with a DK sponsor.

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