Tuesday, 19 April 2016

CHINA: Turpan China To Attract Tourists With Cockfighting

A remote city in North West China, Turpan has planned to attract tourists with cockfighting. The sport is 280 years old in Turpan and the city hopes that the popularity of the sport will be more widespread and attract tourists from other parts of the country.

The country authorities felt that just like Spain is famous for its bullfighting; cockfighting can place Turpan is the same light in the eyes of tourists.

A cockfighting association is being planned to be established in the end of this year. The association will be responsible in promoting sports and the arenas will be set up in the local markets and bazaars keeping the tradition of the sport alive. The sport will be brought out in the open so that illegal gambling associated with this sport can be eliminated.

However, critics in China are not supporting the sport and consider it to be an enormous suffering for the birds. The sport was played earlier in England and Wales and Scotland 60 years ago, but was made illegal in 1835.

Inspired by bullfighting if China wishes to popularise the sport they may actually end up receiving a good amount of tourists who enjoy watching animal fights.

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