Thursday 9 June 2016

REUNION: Germany Travel Agents Visit Reunion

Five tour operators and travel agencies coming from Germany, Austria and Luxembourg were part of this latest eductour in Reunion for six days. Accompanied by the person responsible for IRT's marketing and promotion in German speaking countries, Ms. Larissa Metke, the sales representative of Air Austral in Germany Ms. Katharina Essmann and by the sales representative of Lux * Hotels for Germany, Austria and Eastern Europe Mr. Manuel Schirmer, the tourism professionals have been able to live the Reunion Experience through a journey of discovery.

It is a wide range of tourist offer of the destination meeting the German group of professionals could discover with, the program

The visitors were given a wide range of tourism offerings to sample and experience, among them a visit to the market of St. Paul, the discovery of Salazie, a hike in the heart of Mafate followed by a picnic, the excursion to the Piton de la Fournaise, Reunion's highly active volcano, the helicopter flights over the island, the visit of a vanilla plantation , a culinary workshop experience in Far Far Kréol to discover the flavors of the Reunion gastronomy and so much more.

Through this tour, the objectives of this eductour were many and it was primarily about

Training professionals on their knowledge of the destination;
Increase sales to the destination Reunion;
Supporting the development of market knowledge of German tourism professionals;
Encourage professionals to include the destination in their program and create circuits;
Sustaining relationships with partners in Germany, Austria and Luxembourg;
Developing awareness of the island on the German market in cooperation with tourism professionals.

This eductour was conducted in conjunction with another Vanilla Island, Mauritius and the cooperation resulted in great success. By familiarizing German, Austrian and Luxembourg tourism professionals with the tourism products of the destination Reunion, IRT, short for Ile de la Reunion Tourisme, intends to develop the awareness and sales of the destinations on the German speaking markets.

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