Saturday, 15 April 2017

USA: Marijuana Enthusiasts Form International Church of Cannabis,Call Themselves Elevationists

Colorado doesn't want to stop at having been one of the first states to legalize marijuana for recreational use, but now they are the first to have a church for "Elevationist".

The International Church of Cannabis has taken over a former Lutheran church at 400 S. Logan St. and claims to be the first large venue in the world where cannabis can be legally consumed in a social environment.

A promotional video describes the plant as "sacred flower" further explaining the activities as taking the "sacrament of Cannabis to elevate our lives".

A church for marijuana enthusiasts is planning its official grand opening in Denver, just in time for the "high holiday" of April 20. Important to point out that this is the Thursday after Resurrection Sunday. The International Church of Cannabis has taken over a former Lutheran church at 400 S. Logan St.

Elevation Ministries says the church will:
- Offer a home to adults everywhere who are looking to create the best version of themselves by way of the sacred plant.

Members of the church call themselves Elevationists, founding member Steve Berke said.

"Our lifestance is that an individual’s spiritual journey, and search for meaning, is one of self-discovery that can be accelerated with ritual cannabis use" .

"Elevationists claim no divine authority, nor authoritarian structure, therefore, those of all religious and cultural background are welcome to visit our chapel and take part in our celebrations."

According to the group, it is trying to raise $100,000 to repair and upgrade the 100-year-old church to make it accessible to those with disabilities, such as wounded warriors.

Organizers plan to offer documentary screenings, guest speakers and musical performances at the church. The promotional YouTube video asking for donations and support seems like a mockery of Christianity and church all together.

Lawmakers are still considering a bill that would let local governments decide whether to allow social pot clubs. The bill would also allow any jurisdiction to ban them altogether.

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