Tuesday 20 October 2015

NORTH KOREA: Kim Jong-un Climbs North Korea's Highest Mountain Mount Paektu

Kim Jong-un surrounded by combat aircraft pilots of the Korean People's Army on Mount Paektu

Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader, has been photographed being cheered by fighter pilots at the peak of the nation's highest mountain.

Mr Kim climbed the 9,022-foot Mount Paektu to honour the 23rd anniversary of his late father, Kim Jong-il, being proclaimed "wonsu", or marshal.

Given Mr Kim's reported health problems, it is unlikely that he actually hiked up the volcanic peak, which sits on the border with China and is revered in North Korean propaganda as the "sacred mountain of the revolution".

According to North Korea's official version of history, Kim Jong-il was born in a primitive hut on the slopes of the mountain, from where Kim Il-sung organised partisan groups to fight the Japanese occupation forces of the Korean peninsula.

Historical documents show, however, that Kim Jong-il was born in a refugee camp in Russia and that Kim Il-sung spent more time being indoctrinated by Soviet officials who then installed him as the leader of the fledgling North Korean state in 1945.

The "Paektu Line" nevertheless remains a critical component of the Kim family legend.

Kim Jong-un gesturing to cheering combat aircraft pilots of the Korean People's Army on Mount Paektu

Mr Kim was photographed ankle-deep in snow and with the sun rising behind him, while in other shots he is being greeted by enraptured pilots - described as "red goshawks."

Mr Kim had "shelved all state affairs, not only to show his love for the fighter pilots, but also to implant the revolutionary spirit of Paektu deeper in the hearts of them.

"He ardently called upon all of them to vigorously fight for the final victory in the building of a thriving socialist nation, cherishing deeper in their minds the revolutionary spirit of Paektu, the spirit of the blizzards of Paektu".

Analysts believe that Mr Kim is still trying to cement his regime amid rumours of discontent in the military. Likening himself to his father and grandfather, who is still revered as the Father of the Nation, is designed to instil loyalty in his subjects.

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