Sunday 15 November 2015

Destinations Trends To Watch For

Philadelphia has been named the first World Heritage City in the U.S. The XIII World Congress of the Organization of World Heritage Cities in Arequipa, Peru made the designation official via vote, after Philly had lobbied intensely for a few years, declaring the city one of the nation’s true birthplaces, thus eligible to join the select group.

It’s true, the post-Turkey Day battle (sometimes literally) for amazing deals on TVs and the like has spread across the pond— Europe has embraced Black Friday. The thing is, you don’t have to precisely plan your overseas trip to coincide with that notorious Friday to get great European retail deals. What do we mean?

Disney’s Hollywood Studios has pulled back the curtain on its brand-new assortment of “Star Wars” attractions, due to open Dec. 1. "Star Wars Launch Bay" will bring visitors into “The Force Awakens,” the latest film in the franchise, "Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple," is geared toward younger kids, and plenty more.

Spain is a land where regional identification usually comes before national identification, but there is a large group in the Catalonia region that seeks to take this a step further — complete independence, with tourist hotspot Barcelona as national capital. There are some economic challenges in the way, though…

China’s winter tourism center of Harbin isn’t just a popular skiing spot. Millions will visit for the International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival, where massive ice sculptures and structures cover the landscape — and most will stay up until they melt in spring.

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