Wednesday 19 August 2015

ANGOLA: A Tourism Paradise

Geographically the country can be divided into 3 areas

- The coastal lowland is a relative arid area rising from the sea in a series of low terraces.

- A belt of hill & mountains runs parallel to the coast, 20 to 100 km inland.

- The high plateau to the east of the hills and mountains dominates Angola’s terrain and are typically flat, rolling landscapes.

Kissama National Park
Kissama is located about 70 km south of Luanda and it is bordered on the west by 120 km of Atlantic Ocean’s coast. Kissama (12.000 km2) is one of Angola’s best national parks, boasting a lively population of elephants, rhinos, water buffaloes, antelopes, eland, bushbuck, waterbuck and a big variety of birds. Nesting sea turtles inhabit the park’s coastal areas.

Iona National Park
Iona national Park (6.000 km2) is located in the southern Namibe Province of Angola, about 200 km from the city Namibe and is the largest national park in the country. The topography ranges from sand dunes at sea level to the Tchamalinde mountains in the east. The park in know for unique flora and incredible rock formations and it is paradise for wildlife as well as elephant, oryx, kudu, black rhino, cheetah, spotted hyena, several species of jackal and Damara Dik-Dik. The park is home to many indigenous people such as the Mucubal and Himba as well as many Kimbundu groups. Most are subsistent farmers and herders who remain isolated and oblivious to the outside world.

Mupa National Park
Mupa National Park, cover an area of 4000 km2 and is situated in the Cunene Province.

The Colui river forms the northern and northwestern border, while the Cunene constitutes the western border. Three different types of plant growth can be identified; mosaic of large shrub thickets, bushveld and incompletely drained savanna.

Mammals occurred are lion, leopard, hippo, wild dog and spotted hyena.

It is significant for its expected wide (though generally unstudied) avifauna. More than 182 species of birds can be found in the park, as Zambezian Woodland, Kalahari Highveld, Dickinson’s Kestrel, Miombo Tit.

Camela National Park
It’s a national park in the Moxico Province of Angola, located at about 1100 m above sea level.

Much of the park consist of seasonally inundated plains that form part of the Zambesi river basin, with the northern half of the park draining into the Chifumage river. The park is a sample of nature not occurring elsewhere in Angola. Two lakes, lake Cameia and lake Dilolo (the largest lake in Angola) lie outside the park boundaries and both have extensive reedbeds and grassy swamps that are rich in aquatic birds. No significant wildlife is present after the civil war.

Cangandala National Park
Cangandola is a national park in Malanje Province. It is situated between the Cuije river and 2 unnamed territories of the Cuanza, whit the towns of Culamagia and Techongolola on the edges of the park. It is the smallest national park in Angola.

The park, which cover an area of 600 km2, consist of undulating sand lime hills with lowerlying drainage lines. The area receives about 1.350 mm rainfall per year with an average temperature of 21.5 C. No perennial rivers occur and drainage lake place via grass covered waterlanes. A mosaic of open miombo bushveld and savanna occur.

The park is also home of more than 170 species of different birds.

Luando National Park
This reserve of 3.500 km2 lies in the Melanje Province and has the Luanda River as northern and eastern borders with Cuanza and Luasso River the western and southern borders respectively.

The park is home of the Africa’s third largest waterfalls, the spectacular Duke de Braganza falls.

Two different types of plant occur in the reserve, namely high to medium high miombo bushveld and sandy earth and secondly a mosaic of open miombo bushveld and savanna. Giant sable antelope, puku, lechwe, and sitatunga occur in the park. Luando is also a bird paradise, with more than 264 species.

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