Friday 7 August 2015

BRAZIL: Getting To Know The Melting Pot Of Brazil

Getting to Know the Melting Pot of Brazil

Aside from biggest and sole Portuguese-speaking nation in South America, Brazil is also known for its wonderful variety of foods. The entire Brazilian cuisine is a combination of primary ingredients brought about by the influences of diverse cultures, which began during the Portuguese colonization during the 16th century. Other nationalities also influenced the dishes and cooking elements in the country such as the Spanish, Italian, Arabs, Japanese, and Chinese.

Traditional Food
If you’ve been to Brazil, you’ll be surprised of the popular foods eaten across the country. The traditional Brazilian food includes yams, nuts, hog plum, Acai, cassava, cheese bread, tapioca, okra, and the renowned chourico, an essentially spicy sausage. The country’s staple food items include the feijao (black beans), farinha (similar to flour) in the United States, and the arroz (white rice). These main ingredients are cooked and/or served with red meat, poultry or fish. To get to know the Brazilian cuisine better, you should also know, or better yet, have a taste of their national dish called the feijoada, which a delectable meat stew consists of pork and black beans. Traditional side dishes include ground manioc, kale, arroz, and orange salad.

Melting Pot of Brazil
Similar to other societies, Brazil is a melting pot of customs, traditions, and colors. Its entire cuisine is also diverse, and Brazilian food varies from one region to another. The ingredients and types of dishes you’ll find in the country largely depend on the geographical location. But, root vegetables and crops are generally used. Fruits that are extensively grown are also used in cooking such as guavas, pineapples, granadillas, papayas, and mangoes. Most of these fruits are created into savory and sweet dishes, including beverages.

Key Characteristics
If you’ve ever wandered throughout Brazil, or sat in a Brazilian restaurant, you’ll notice the key characteristics of their cuisine. Breakfasts are fruit-based and often refreshing, while lunch is considered as the main meal of the entire day, which obviously is the most filling and with the largest proportion. Brazilian foods are certainly interesting that you’ll never get bored because of the intense, yet contrasting flavors.

Regional Diversity
While the general Brazilian cuisine makes use of the major ingredients like fruits, spices, rice, beans, and meats, dishes vary from one region to another. The southern region of the country is characterized by the “Gaucho” influence, wherein the majority of food in this region makes use of relative amount of meat. The gastronomic experience in the southeastern region is known for its rice, fish, maize, eggs, beans, and tomatoes to name a few; whereas the northern region makes use of tropical fruits, fish, and much manioc. The northeastern region is known for seafood, beans, and onions, while the central area is characterized by much of fish, pork, beef, rice, beans, and manioc. So, certainly the Brazilian cuisine offers an exciting gastronomical experience and these dishes are also available through Brazilian food recipes.

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