Friday 21 August 2015

SINGAPORE: S’pore Airlines Stewardesses’ Job On board SQ Flights Getting Easier

Let’s do our part as paying customers to make their lives better.
As we all have read by now, the job of a Singapore Girl is tough and unglamorous, contrary to popular belief that all they do is travel the world, drink champagne and feast on swan.

Therefore, in a bid to improve their lot, here are 10 ways passengers can help ensure that the Singapore Girls’ welfare is improved by making their job on board SQ flights easier:

1. Volunteer to clean the lavatory
As this is the most unglamorous part of the job, passengers can make the flight easier for the Singapore Girls if we clean the lavatory on their behalf. In fact, even better still, don’t use the lavatory throughout your flight journey and simply hold it in. No release, no mess.

2. Bring your own food and drinks on board the plane so the Singapore Girl doesn’t have to serve you
This way, the stewardesses wouldn’t have to prepare any meals and there is no rushing to heat food up for service. Not attending to customers will allow the Singapore Girls to relax on board the flight and have time to make small talk with one another and learn more about their colleagues to improve working relations and build stronger friendships among the crew.

3. Fast
If you can’t bring your own food and drinks on to the plane due to strict security checks, do consider abstaining from consumption altogether. There will also be no need for them to bring the trolley down the aisle, ask if you’d like chicken or fish and bring the food trays out before putting everything back. Fasting is good for the body too.


4. Do not bring any luggage with you when you travel SQ
This is to ensure there is no need for the Singapore Girl to lift your hand luggage and put it in the overhead compartment, which may cause her to exert herself and write lengthy blog posts about her ordeal after her SQ stint. Plus, everyone can then get on and get off the plane quickly without hassle in a luggage-free environment. If you really have to bring a suitcase, do consider flying Emirates instead where passengers are obliged to ask stewardesses for help.

5. Offer to give the stewardesses foot and shoulder massages
This is an optional value-added service all paying customers who take Singapore Airlines can offer the stewardesses. As we all know, flying long hours make the SQ girls tense and tired. A quick muscle-relaxing squeeze will make sure they are well-rested and ready to be tucked into beds available in the First Class cabin — where passengers there will be expected to give up their seats.

6. Tip the stewardesses with cash whenever they walk past your seat
As stewardesses barely make between S$3,500 and S$5,000 a month flying for the national carrier, they are in dire need of cash. A cash tip will, therefore, help brighten their day. Bring lots of loose change, like $50 and $100 notes, and offer them to the SQ Girls for gracing the occasion with their presence, especially if they take the time to show up with their hair in a bun and in a kebaya.

7. Offer the stewardesses your seat and serve them instead
As paying customers of SQ flights, you can make it part of your flight routine from now on to give up your seats to the stewardesses. This will allow them to rest throughout the journey while you go about serving them with headphones, newspapers, food and drinks. Don’t worry if you are not familiar with where all the necessary things are kept. Always remember: Practice makes perfect. This applies to performing the demonstration for the flight safety-life vest routine, where all paying passengers are encouraged to learn and do it in front of everyone at least once so there is some semblance of rotation of duty.

8. All passengers pool money together before the flight to book the entire First Class cabin for air stewardesses use only
This is an effective way to ensure fatigue doesn’t get to them. This is help the SQ Girls be well-rested and feeling fresh to start their tour of the city or country they are visiting immediately when the plane lands. At the same time, passengers should offer to carry all the belongings and luggage of the stewardesses to the respective four-star hotels for check-in.

9. One day before departure, inform all stewardesses that passengers on board flight will go ahead with self-service and they can choose not to board plane
This will allow the stewardesses to skip flying and remain in Singapore to spend time with their loved ones instead of embarking on another flight to another country where they will be subjected to four-star hotel stays.

10. Start a crowdsourced fundraising project to ask the public for S$10 billion in donations to start an endowment fund to give to all former, present and future SQ Girls every month till they die so they don’t have to work another day in their lives again

This is by far the most effective method to ensure Singapore Airlines stewardesses have proper welfare and not subjected to demeaning employment where they are required to serve others.

Together we can make flying SQ better.

Everyone is truly sorry about your plight as an SQ Girl:

NSFs apologise to ex-SIA stewardess Hilary: ‘We’re sorry you had a hard life in SQ’

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