Friday 11 September 2015

ISRAEL: From The City Of David To The Western Wall

Jerusalem during the end of the Second Temple period was known internationally for its beauty and grandeur. Thanks to recent excavations one can now walk its streets and be amazed by its splendor. Join us on a fascinating tour of sites that were just uncovered. Be amazed by the excavation in the Central (Tyropoeon) Valley where we will walk through a section of the Herodian Channel that is approximately 500 feet long. The tour will reach its climax as we behold the impressive foundations stones of the Western Wall at the foot of the Temple Mount. From there we will climb and exit onto the grandiose road where the Jewish pilgrims walked, two thousand years ago.

Come join in the excitement as Ancient Jerusalem comes to life, before our very own eyes.

The tour is approximately 1 ½ hours long and is appropriate for people of all ages, except those with extreme difficulties walking.

Tour Track
Start Point:
City of David- Visitors Center

Panoramic View, Dr. Mazar’s Palace Excavations, Area G, Givati dig and the most recently discovered water channel that ran beneath the road.

End Point:
The Archaeological Park- Davidson Center

Essential Information

Tour length is 1.5 hours.
The Old City is closed off to private vehicles.
In order to reach the City of David by foot, exit the Old City via the Dung Gate (the gate closest to the Western Wall Plaza). Turn left and shortly after (approximately 50 meters), make a right. The entrance to the City of David will be on your left hand side.
Please notice that the tour includes walking up and down stairs.
The tour includes walking through an underground tunnel.
There are storage lockers at the site for your convenience at a cost of 10 nis. We apologize but there is no room to store baby carriages.
Enjoy our coffee & snack shop as well as a gift shop with unique souvenirs, books and jewelry.

Ticket Adult Child(5-18), senior citizen
Entrance Fee 29 15
*3D Movie 13 13
Ascend to Zion - Guided Tour 45 35

Group over 30 people
Ticket Adult Child(5-18), senior citizen
Entrance Fee 23 14
*3D Movie 13 13

* Registration is required ahead of time.
*Tickets to the 3D movie may only be purchased together with a site entrance ticket.
** Senior citizen- Women from the age of 60, men from the age of 65.
Private Tour Guide Prices
Up to two hours 390 nis
Up to three hours 500 nis
Up to half day 610 nis
Up to full day 810 nis
Expert guide - 4 hours 940 nis
Expert guide - 8 hours 1200 nis

One may book a tour with a private tour guide through advanced registration of a minimum of 8 business days.

Additional Tours & Attractions
City of David - Tours of Biblical Jerusalem | City of David
Tour the heart of ancient Jerusalem, the city of kings and prophets, where books of the Bible were written.

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