Friday 11 September 2015

REUNION ISLAND: e-Tourism Workshop Held In Reunion Island

The march into the digital age, especially in the way how aviation, tourism, and travel conduct business these days, can simply not be stopped, and those failing to embrace the new technologies risk becoming dinosaurs in their own right. Reunion Island Tourism (IRT) has for long been at the cutting edge of technology and, being tech savvy, used the latest tools available to them to make waves across cyberspace.

Some 90 professionals from across the island assembled earlier in the week to participate in a dedicated e-tourism workshop which was conducted by NORDEV.

The extensive workshop program effectively covered all key aspects for companies to either make a start into an e-venture or else build on their existing experience.

Conference program:

- e-reputation and social networks
- Reuniveille
- How to improve its image through the online reputation?
- AEF Board
- The importance of the Internet and social networks these days in the world of tourism.
- Virtual reality, augmented reality and digital publishing
- Click Research
- Examples of virtual reality and tourist interest in this technology
- Connected territory, data and customer connections
- How best to collect data and how to exploit them for maximum customer relationship?
- Oceatoon
- Territory and connected collaborative tourism before tourism development based on the exchange and sharing of information
- The goal is to "communecter" be connected to its territory and move towards a collaborative tourism
- SEO and local visibility
- AMC Consultant
- How to approach a target Reunion corresponding to its services? What means should we set up to be visible? Where to find this specific clientele?
- Propels
-What are local SEO techniques to target a local customers and passage?

The afternoon allowed participants to exchange their views directly with professionals who delivered the lectures and lessons which, on this occasion, were offering special rates for solutions adapted to the different structures present (accommodation, restaurants, leisure).

Faced with the positive feedback from the players in local tourism, this workshop on the theme of digital could become an annual event for Reunion Island’s tourism industry.

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