Tuesday 13 October 2015

FINLAND: Russian Tourism In Finland Falls

VR's Allegro trains are carrying fewer visitors over the eastern border.
The number of overnight stays by Russian visitors fell by 14 percent nationwide in March, compared to one year earlier. Russians are the largest national group among tourists in Finland, but the decline among visitors of all nationalities was nearly eight percent.

Statistics Finland figures for March show that the number of overnight stays by Russian visitors was 14 percent lower than in March 2013. The total number of overnight stays was down by 7.7 percent, indicating a greater decline among Russians than among visitors in general.

The figures show regional differences in Russian visits. In Kymenlaakso and North Karelia, both close to the Russian border, the year-on-year drop was around 25 percent. In South Ostrobothnia, on the other hand, the number of overnight stays grew slightly. All other regions showed a drop in visits from Russians.

In total some 109,000 overnight stays by Russians were recorded in the statistics for March. The weak rouble and the situation in Ukraine have been cited as possible explanations for the slower stream of visitors.

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