Tuesday 13 October 2015

VATICAN: Vatican Museums Continues Collaboration With 3 Tour Operators

Renewed for 2015-16: two-year partnership between the Vatican Museums and the three leading tour operators in the sector, City Wonders Ltd., Carrani Tours by Escursioni Italiane and Trafalgar Tours Ltd.

Press Release

"Following the fruitful experience of the two year period 2013-2014, the Vatican Museums will continue the collaboration that has enabled improvements and an increase in the services offered to visitors.

The Vatican Museums will renew their partnership for the period 2015-2016 with the three leading tour operators in the sector: City Wonders Ltd., Escursioni Italiane srl and Trafalgar Tours Ltd., making it possible to undertake a new project within the museum complex.

The renewal of the partnership will allow the further development of direct dialogue in relation to the most pressing needs of tourists, a field in constant evolution and always in need of new and concrete responses. Through the contribution of City Wonders, Escursioni Italiane srl and Trafalgar Tours Ltd., the Vatican Museums will be able to take another step ahead in order to offer the visitor a unique experience when visiting its treasures of art and faith."

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