Wednesday 4 November 2015

ROMANIA: Romanian Pime Minister And Entire Government Resign Over Nightclub Fire

Prime Minister Victor Ponta has stepped down in the wake of massive protests over last weekend's deadly incident.

The Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta and his government have resigned.

The news comes after days of protests over Friday night's deadly nightclub fire, which claimed the lives of 32 people. At their height, the protests in Bucharest were over 20,000 strong. Citizens spoke out against what they saw as government corruption surrounding the granting of permits and safety inspections, and demanded that politicians take responsibility and resign.

In a statement, Ponta also revealed the dissolution of his government, saying "I'm handing in my mandate, I'm resigning, and implicitly my government too,". He'll stay in power until the new government is formed.

"I hope handing in my and my government’s mandate will satisfy the demands of protesters," he added. Romanian president Klaus Iohannis will name a new Prime Minister to form the new government, which has to be approved by Parliament.

The nightclub fire started after soundproofing foam caught a spark from pyrotechnics during a metal band's performance at Bucharest nightclub Colectiv.

GeorgeHneda a Romanian said "The materials used for sound proofing were the most cheapest and there is only one door in the club which is very small. The materials used for sound proofing were removed one month ago to be clean of the smoked and dust. They used an unproper solution to clean it and the ceiling was on fire in less than 10 seconds. In the moment the people opened to the door to get out of the club, the big amount of oxygen got in and took fire. 31 people died until now, and more than 140 are acussing multiple burns; people as you and me, people from my dear country! let's pay some atention when we're going out to have fun. nothing is most precious than ourselfs! Let's think for a few seconds to their souls... rest in peace"

Another frequent clubber said "That is so sad but like many of the other comments have said, with only 2 small doors and 1 working properly that was a very unsafe venue. I've never really thought about an emergency exit plain when I'm out at a club or event but after reading this I will."

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