Monday 14 December 2015

UGANDA: Buffalo Attacks And Injures A Man Near National Park, After Getting Provoked

Buffalo Victim Mr Nelson Onen At Anaka Hospital

Mr Nelson Onen, 18, is nursing injuries at Anaka Hospital after a buffalo attacked him in Nwoya District.
The incident happened in Lagaji village, Pabit in Purongo Sub-county on Wednesday evening. Mr Onen had gone to harvest simsim from his garden on the fringes of Murchison Falls National Park.

The Aswa regional police spokesperson, Mr Jimmy Patrick Okema, said the victim was attacked as he tried to chase way the buffalo.
“Mr Onen was rescued by his relatives after he made alarm and a phone call. His waist and legs were severely injured by the time the rescuers arrived, but he is out of danger,” Mr Okema said.

He advised the residents near the park to avoid moving alone for fear of wild animals.
The Purongo LC3 chairperson, Mr Frederick Okecha, said the proximity between the park boundary and the community land is too close.
He asked the locals to report any wild animal in their area to authorities instead of trying to kill them.

The Uganda Wildlife Authority manager for Murchison Falls National Park, Mr Tom Obong, could not be reached for a comment as his mobile telephone was off.

In December last year, a 60-year-old woman, Hellen Aparo, in Pamin Olango village Latoro Parish in Purongo, was killed by a stray buffalo. In 2014, six people were killed by stray animals from the park.

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