Monday 8 August 2016

KENYA: Mara Engai Wilderness Lodge A Luxurious Lodge

Mara Engai Wilderness Lodge is a luxurious lodge nestled among pristine Kenyan Ravine forest. Set 1,000 ft high on the Oloololo Siria Escarpment with breath-taking views over the famous Masai Mara Game Reserve and migration route, it features large, luxury, tented-suites and private viewing decks, fine dining and daily game drives.

The lodge affords spacious tented accommodation amenities and is beautifully furnished with king-sized and deep comfortable beds; waterfall showers with luxury Gilchrist & Soames amenities; and private viewing decks overlooking the Masai Mara. Most of the sturdy wooden furniture is built on ground in a workshop not too far away from the lodge, near the staff quarters. What is not built on ground by the staff has been sourced locally.

The property also has its own organic garden and most of the produce that is used in the meals for guests comes from there. The restaurant features sweeping views of the Mara, where you may be lucky to spot hordes of Wildebeest during the migration season or unending vistas of green and yellow, depending on the time of the year you visit.

Unique to the Mara, the Mara Engai has specially adapted 6×6 Pinzgauer vehicles for more agile and comfortable game viewing within the Masai Mara’s rich Wilderness Triangle. These vehicles offer a whole new experience when it comes to game drives. This, with exceptionally trained and experienced Masai guides, ensures a memorable game drive, which the lodge promises two of every day of the stay.

There is also the flexibility during peak migration periods to stay out in the safari vehicle all day to be on ground to watch nature’s greatest show on earth.

Walking safaris or bush walks as they are often referred to, will usually identify tracks; highlight interesting insects; talk about fascinating plants; and discuss the ecosystem in general. It’s a great way to appreciate the smaller wildlife, which can’t be so easily seen from a vehicle, as well as to experience the excitement of being out with the big game.

Not many experiences are more memorable, as breakfast in the bush or a visit to a Manyatta or a traditional Maasai homestead, which lies just outside Mara Engai Wilderness Lodge. For longer days out in the wild, picnic boxes are packed so that more ground can be covered across the Masai Mara.

The accommodation rate, which changes dramatically between peak and non-peak season includes bed and breakfast, lunch, dinner, all drinks, two scheduled shared safari game drives per day, wi-fi, laundry, return airstrip transfers, all Kenyan taxes and levies. Mara conservancy fees are compulsory to enter the park and can be pre-paid prior to arrival.

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