Wednesday 17 August 2016

ZIMBABWE: Resign, Arts Group Tells Mugabe

The movement has accused Mugabe of bad governance characterised by corruption.

Mudzvova, who is the movement’s co-ordinator, said they were using arts as a driving force to put their message across, particularly in rural areas where Zanu PF has held much sway over the years.

“Artistically, villagers have been holding night vigils (pungwes) whereby they will be lots of revolutionary music and dramas that will be staged by the villagers,” Mudzvova said.

“Dramas will be staged and managed by the villagers themselves in order to highlight the challenges they are facing and the main themes were centred on political violence, lack of health facilities, and hunger amongst other pertinent issues. Soon after the vigils, the movement will start spreading their messages of liberation through a form of art called graffiti.”

Mudzvova said this was an effective way of spreading the word of liberty around to the people as it would stay embedded in their minds and would span things into action.
“I personally believe letting communities highlight their problems in dramas and music will be uplifting their resolve to have a new government that cares about their problems,” he said.

“Graffiti stays in people’s minds and constantly reminds them of what needs to be done in order for them to be successful in life.”

Earlier this year, Mudzvova staged a one-man play interrogating Mugabe’s statement that about $15 billion raised from diamond sales was missing.

The 30-minute play Missing Diamonds, I Need My Share landed Mudzvova in trouble after he staged it at Parliament building on
April 13.

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