Tuesday 20 October 2015

HONDURAS: Deadly Floods In Honduras,7 Killed In Comayagua

At least 7 people have died in floods in Honduras since heavy rain began to fall on 17 October.

Elsewhere in Central America, flooding has also been reported in Guatemala, Belize and Nicaragua.

Heavy rain has been affecting parts of Honduras since 17 October 2015, triggering floods, landslides and rivers to overflow.

COPECO, (Comisión Permanente de Contingencias), the disaster management agency in Honduras, issued red alerts for several areas along the Ulúa river, including Potrerillos, Pimienta, San Manuel and Villanueva in Cortés; El Progreso, Negrito and Santa Rita in Yoro; and also some areas in Atlántida.

Yellow alerts were issued for for the town of El Rosario, in the department of Comayagua, and lower level green alerts for some areas of the departments of Choluteca, Valle and Francisco Morazán.

Local media report that at least 7 people have died in floods in Comayagua department. As many as 2,000 people have been left homeless in Siguatepeque and the local authorities there have declared a state of emergency.

Amapala in Valle department saw 119 mm of rain fall in 24 hours on 17 October. La Esperanza, Intibuca department, recorded 61 mm, during the same period, according to WMO figures. Further rainfall has been forecast for the next 24 hours, although this should be less intense.


CONRED, the emergency agency in Guatemala, reported on 18 October that heavy rain had caused flash floods in the departments of Petén and Suchitepequez. Around 238 people were affected and 38 homes suffered minor damage.

During the evening of Saturday 17 October, heavy rains caused flooding in the town of Las Cruces, Petén, affecting around 200 people and damaging 30 homes.

After a period of heavy rain late last week, CONRED reported floods in Izabal where 26 homes were damaged. The heavy rain also caused yet another deadly landslide in the country, this time in Alta Verapaz, Escuintla, where one person was killed.

Guatemala is still recovering from one of the country’s deadliest natural disasters when heavy rain resulted in a landslide in the community of El Cambray II, Santa Catarina Pinula municipality on 02 October, which left hundreds dead and over 300 missing.

In neighbouring Belize, at least 100 people have been displaced by floods in Belize City after 2 days of heavy rain in the area. Local media report that over 10 inches (254 mm) of rain fell in 36 hours in Belize City causing flooding up to 2 and a half feet (75 cm) deep in parts of the city.

According to local media in Nicaragua, heavy rain on 17 October resulted in rivers overflowing, forcing evacuations in the department of Estelí.

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