Wednesday 26 August 2015

SOUTH AFRICA: Pastor’s Supporter Drinks Petrol As Part Of “miracle”

Pretoria pastor Lesego Daniel has roped in a congregant to support claims that petrol can be turned into pineapple juice.

The believer has taken his faith to ‘another level’ by drinking petrol to “connect to God”.

In January this year, Pastor Lesego Daniel made members of his church eat grass for the same reason.

At the time he reportedly told his congregation that eating grass would rid them of their sins and heal them of any ailments they may have had.

In a video posted on YouTube, the Pretoria-based pastor’s congregant claims to turn petrol into pineapple juice.

This “miraculous” power is demonstrated in front of the congregation, with one of the church members pouring petrol into a basin and igniting it to prove that it’s flammable.

Beforehand, Daniel tasted the liquid in front of the crowd.

What is apparently the same fluid is then drunk in front of the congregation, with spectators shouting “hallelujah”.

After drinking the “petrol turned pineapple juice”, the man coughs before saying: “It has lot of fumes but I don’t have any side effects”.

Daniel works from Robboni Centre Ministries in Ga-Rankuwa.

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