Friday, 4 September 2015

SCOTLAND: Arran Brewery Reveals 'free beer' Gaffe

Red-faced brewery bosses have admitted to an administrative gaffe which has seen internet customers receive orders for free.

For the past six months, customers of Arran Brewery have been getting orders delivered through its website - even if they had not paid for their beer.

In some cases, beer was sent out even if the order had not been completed.

The brewery blamed "an over-zealous" member of staff who had been trying to get stock out quickly.

It declined to reveal the amount of beer which had been given away.
'Breach in protocol'

Managing Director Gerald Michaluk said: "This is a well-intentioned employee who thought he was doing the best for the customers and the company by getting stock out quickly.

"It was not until an audit showed a shortfall in receipts that the mistake was realised.

"We will now be writing to all those who have received stock in error with a request that they pay for the goods, or allow us to collect them.

"This was a very serious breach in our protocol and we will be tightening up on training and system documentation so that this cannot happen again."

He added: "This is not showing our best side. On the other hand there will be a lot of extra happy customers out there."

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